Mouflon Hunt in the Czech Republic

This offer is not active at the moment.

Mouflon Hunt in the Czech Republic

This offer is not active at the moment.

Location: Stříbro, Czech Republic

From: Who is offering this hunt

Hunting time: 20. March - 20. March

The area Stribro is close to the town of the same name, near the border to Germany. It is a 5000 ha area with several rest zones for sika and mouflon. The old mining town lies below the mouth of the Úhlavka river in the river Mies and belongs ..more offer details

Package price

€ 1.205

€ 1.205

1 Hunter

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Offer description

Muffeljagd in Tschechien

Das Revier Stribro liegt in der Nähe der gleichnamigen Stadt in Grenznähe zu Deutschland. Es ist ein 5000 ha Revier mit mehreren Ruhezonen für Sika- und Muffelwild. Die alte Bergbaustadt liegt unterhalb der Einmündung der Úhlavka in den Fluss Mies und gehört dem Okres Tachov an. Der tschechische Name Stříbro bedeutet übersetzt Silber und weist auf den im Spätmittelalter hier durchgeführten Silberbergbau hin.
Im Preis von 685 € enthalten:
- 4 Reisetage
- 3 Übernachtungen mit Halbpension
- Transport im Revier
- Organisation der Jagd
- Tschechische Jahresjagdkarte mit Versicherung
Anzahlung 685,-€ + 30% der zu erwartenden Abschussgebühr

The area Stribro is close to the town of the same name, near the border to Germany. It is a 5000 ha area with several rest zones for sika and mouflon. The old mining town lies below the mouth of the Úhlavka river in the river Mies and belongs to the Okres Tachov. The Czech name Stříbro means silver and refers to the silver mining industry carried out here in the Late Middle Ages.
The price of 685 € includes:
- 4 days of travel
- 3 nights with half board
- Transport in the area
- Organization of hunting
- Czech year-old card with insurance
Down payment of 685, - € + 30% of the expected launch fee

Territory information

Territory size: 5.000 Hectare

Area: Flat, Forest

Languages: Czech

Hunting methods: High seat, Stalking

Additional information:

The package deal includes



Up to 169 Points

Included in the price: 1 animal(s)

Travel date

0 chosen hunting day(s)

0 additional travel day(s)

Sum: 0 days with 0 overnights

Your selected travel date


(Arrival day)


(Departure day)

Daily rate and accommodation

Facilities: Half board

More information:

1 : 1
This offer applies for: 1 hunter(s)

Other costs:

each additional day

€ 175,-
per hunting day

170 - 174,9 CIC

€ 780,-

175 - 179,9 CIC

€ 1.150,-

180 - 184,9 CIC

€ 1.450,-
Other costs total: ,-
Total price: ,-


Nearest Airport: -

Distance to airport: -

Pick up service: - Fees: -

Nearest railway station: -

Distance to railway station: -

Pick up service: - Fees: -

Trophy treatment:


Shooting distances:


Caliber recommendation:


Missed shot:

0 % of the estimated trophy price


Deposit: 685 €

Final payment:




keine Angabe

Included in the offer:


NOT included in the offer:


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