10 days Roan or Sable-hunting at Caprivi 1:1
Roan Antelope, Sable Antelope
10 days Roan or Sable-hunting at Caprivi 1:1
Location: Caprivi, Namibia
From: Who is offering this hunt
Hunting time: 01. February - 30. November
Description:10 hunting days for Roan- or Sable- Antelope at Caprivi 1:1 You will be welcomed on arrival at the airport, by the professional hunter and escorted to the hunting territory. Shortly after arrival in the territory, you will visit the shooting range to prepare and check all equipment for ..more offer details
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Offer description
10 Tage Caprivi, Roan oder Sable-Jagd 1:1
10 Tage auf Pferdeantilope (Roan) oder Rappenantilope (Sable) 1:1 in Caprivi
Sie werden bei der Ankunft am Flughafen vom professionellen Jäger begrüßt und in das Jagdrevier begleitet. Kurz nach der Ankunft im Gebiet werden Sie den Schießstand besuchen, um die gesamte Ausrüstung für die Jagd vorzubereiten und zu überprüfen.
Das Frühstück ist normalerweise vor Sonnenaufgang, wo Sie mit Ihrem professionellen Jäger, Tracker und Fahrer jagen werden. Sie werden bei der Pirsch einiges Wild, das Sie auf Ihrer Wunschliste haben zu Gesicht bekommen. Wenn die Tiere während der heißesten Tageszeit im Schatten ausruhen, kehren Sie zurück zum Camp. Hier können Sie gut zu Mittag essen und sich von den normalen Jagdaktivitäten erholen. Nachmittags fahren Sie in den Busch bis zum Sonnenuntergang. Während der Rückfahrt zum Camp wird es dunkel, was bedeutet, dass die Temperaturen sinken und es wirklich kalt werden kann.
Nach der Jagd ist es möglich Swakopmund oder Windhoek zum Einkaufen zu besuchen und dann beginnt die Heimreise.
Wir bieten Ihnen unseren geschätzten Kunden:
- Die Garantie, dass ONDJOU & VAN HEERDEN SAFARIS das Ministerium für Umwelt- und Tourismusgesetze sowie die lokalen Gesetze respektieren und befolgen
-Professionelle Jagdführer, die sich streng an die "Fair Chase" ethischen Jagdpraktiken halten
-Persönlich betriebene African Hunting Safaris in Namibia
-16 Jahre Erfahrung namibischer Jagdbegleitung
- Das gesamte Spektrum der Jagden, die Namibia zu bieten hat:
- Rinderfarmen, auf denen sich Wild frei durch die Gegend bewegen kann, zu Jagdfarmen für ausgewählte Arten und große kommunale Konzessionsgebiete für bestimmte Großwildarten
-Trophäenjagd nur auf alte, reife Tiere
- Verschiedene Aktivitäten für die nichtjagenden Familienmitglieder, die Sie auf Ihrer Jagdsafari in Afrika begleiten
-Persönliche Unterstützung bei der Zusammenstellung einiger Aktivitäten vor und nach der Jagd
- Eine professionell gewartete Fahrzeugflotte während der Jagd
10 hunting days for Roan- or Sable- Antelope at Caprivi 1:1
You will be welcomed on arrival at the airport, by the professional hunter and escorted to the hunting territory. Shortly after arrival in the territory, you will visit the shooting range to prepare and check all equipment for the hunt.
Breakfast is usually before sunrise, where after you will go hunting with your professional hunter, tracker and driver. You will be driving spotting game and do some stalks on animals that you have on your wish list. When the animals start hanging around in the shade during the hotter time of the day, you will be heading back to the camp. Where you will enjoy a good lunch and have some time off from the normal hunting activities. In the after noon you will be heading out into the bush until sunset. During your drive back to camp it will be dark, which means temperatures drop and it could really become cold.
After the hunt it is possible to visit Swakopmund or Windhoek for some shopping and then the journey home starts.
We offer you our valued client:
- The guarantee that ONDJOU & VAN HEERDEN SAFARIS respects and abides by the Ministry of Environment and Tourism laws as well as to the local laws
-Professional hunting guides who strictly abide by “Fair Chase” ethical hunting practices
-Personally operated African Hunting safaris in Namibia
-16 years of Namibian hunting outfitters experience
-The whole spectrum of hunts Namibia has to offer from – Cattle ranches where game can move freely through the area to hunting ranches for selected species and large free range communal concession areas for certain big game species
-Trophy hunts for only old aged animals
-Different activities for the non-hunting family members accompanying you on your hunting safari in Africa
-Personal assistance in putting some activities together before and after your hunt in cooperation with some reputable photographic safari operators in Namibia
-A professionally serviced vehicle fleet whilst hunting
Territory information
Additional information: Dzoti hunting concession is one of the youngest registered conservancies but definitely one of the most promising big game hunting areas in Namibia. The area comprises of 250 km² and borders directly with three major National Parks. With Mudumo National Park in the North-West as the border, Dzoti shares the same dense Mopani vegetation that offers shelter to animal species like Sable, Roan, Kudu, Zebra and Blue Wildebeest. The south –western limit is Mamili National Park with its complex channel of reed beds, lakes and islands that make up the Linyanti swamps. The south eastern border is the Linyanti River of which the opposite shoreline belongs to the world renowned Chobe National Park of Botswana. Here spectacular herds of Elephant, Buffalo and Red Lechwe are some of the highlights. Plenty of Hippopotamus, big Crocodiles, Reedbuck and the more elusive Sitatunga are at home here.
Trophy fee
per 1 animal(s)
per 1 animal(s)
Travel date
0 chosen hunting day(s)
0 additional travel day(s)
Sum: 0 days with 0 overnights
Your selected travel date
(Arrival day)30.11.2025
(Departure day)Daily rate and accommodation
More information: Breakfast is usually before sunrise, where after you will go hunting with your professional hunter, tracker and driver. You will be driving spotting game and do some stalks on animals that you have on your wish list. When the animals start hanging around in the shade during the hotter time of the day, you will be heading back to the camp. Where you will enjoy a good lunch and have some time off from the normal hunting activities. In the after noon you will be heading out into the bush until sunset. During your drive back to camp it will be dark, which means temperatures drop and it could really become cold.
€ 960,-
€ 310,-
Daily rates total for HUNTING DAY(S): € ,-
Other costs:
Transport and hotel for arrival and depature per person
Trophy treatment:
We normally ship trophies by airfreight within four weeks after completion of your safari. Your trophies should reach their destination within two months from that date. Taxidermy prices in Namibia are very affordable and the quality and workmanship is very good. Financially there is very little difference between the cost of shipping raw trophies or mounted ones. The normal completion time to mount trophies is approximately 8 – 10 months.
Shooting distances:
Caliber recommendation:
Missed shot:
0 % of the estimated trophy price
Deposit: 50 % of the total price
Final payment: On site
100 % of the estimated trophy price
Wounded game is considered as harvested, when it can't be found after a professional, conscientious and thorough search.
Deposits are non-refundable
Included in the offer:
- Accommodation
- Full board
- Tee / Coffee
- Beverages
- Hunting licence
- Guidance
- Transportation in territory
- Transportation from/to airport/railway station
- Accommodation before and after hunt
NOT included in the offer:
- Gun rental
- Ammunition
- Taxidermist
- Trophy export
- Insurance
- Tips