7 days buffalo special

7 days buffalo special

Location: Cinturão, Mozambique

From: Who is offering this hunt

Hunting time: 01. April - 30. November

Mozambique is located in southern Africa. There you will experience untouched wilderness in its original form. One of the greatest hunting countries on earth awaits you: hunt in areas where no trophies have been hunted for 16 years and there are accordingly high-capital trophies! Possible itinerary: Day 1 ..more offer details

Package price

€ 13.471

€ 13.471

1 Hunter

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Offer description

7 Tage Büffel Spezial

Mosambik liegt im Süden Afrikas. Dort erleben Sie unveränderte Wildnis in ihrer ursprünglichen Form. Eines der großartigsten Jagdländer dieser Erde erwartet Sie: Jagen Sie in Revieren, in denen 16 Jahre nicht auf Trophäen gejagt wurde und es dementsprechend hochkapitale Trophäen gibt!

Möglicher Reiseverlauf:
Tag 1 - Abreise aus Europa nach Beira
Tag 2 - Ankunft in Beira, Übernachtung
Tag 3 - Transfer ins Camp
Tag 4-10 - 7 Tage Jagd
Tag 11 - Fahrt nach Beira, eventuell Übernachtung oder Rückflug
Tag 12- Ankunft in Europa
Der Paketpreis beinhaltet 7 Jagdtage, sowie einen Anreise- und Abreisetag. Gerne organisieren wir für Sie auch den Transfer von Beira oder Lusaka (Sambia) ins Jagdgebiet und wieder zurück.

Dieser Spezialpreis gilt nur bei einer Buchung von mindestens 4 Jägern zum gleichen Jagdreisetermin!

Bestellte Lizenzen müssen bezahlt werden, unabhängig davon, ob das Wild erlegt wird oder nicht. Zweiter Büffel auf Anfrage. Angeschweißtes Wild gilt als erlegt und wird somit verrechnet.

Planes Game wird entsprechend folgender Preisliste verrechnet:
Buschschwein 1.245,-
Buschbock (Chobe) 1.650.-
Eland 5.635,-
Hyäne 2.655,-
Impala 1.245,-
Krokodil >9ft 5.170,-
Krokodil <9ft 3.990,-
Kudu 3.895,-
Nyala 4.695,-
Roanantilope 8.985,-
Warzenschwein 1.375,-
Zebra 5.885,-

Mozambique is located in southern Africa. There you will experience untouched wilderness in its original form. One of the greatest hunting countries on earth awaits you: hunt in areas where no trophies have been hunted for 16 years and there are accordingly high-capital trophies!

Possible itinerary:
Day 1 - Departure from Europe to Beira
Day 2 - Arrive Beira, overnight
Day 3 - Transfer to the camp
Day 4-10 - 7 days hunt
Day 11 - Drive to Beira, possible overnight stay or return flight
Day 12- Arrival in Europe
The package price includes 7 hunting days, as well as an arrival and departure day. We would be happy to organize your transfer from Beira or Lusaka (Zambia) to the hunting area and back again.

This special price is only valid for a booking of at least 4 hunters on the same hunting trip date!

Ordered licenses must be paid for, regardless of whether the game is shot or not. Second buffalo on request. Wounded game is considered shot and is therefore charged.

Planes Game will be charged according to the following price list:
bush pig 1,245,-
Bushbuck (Chobe) 1,650.-
Eland 5,635,-
Hyena 2.655,-
Impala 1,245,-
Crocodile >9ft 5.170,-
Crocodile <9ft 3.990,-
Kudu 3,895,-
Nyala 4,695,-
Roan antelope 8,985,-
Warthog 1.375,-
zebras 5,885,-

Territory information

Territory size: 200.000 Hectare

Type of territory: Free range

Area: Flat, Bush/Scrubland, Forest, Water

Languages: English

Hunting methods: Stalking

Additional information: Das Revier unseres Partners Zambeze Delta Safaris gehört zum Marromeu Komplex und liegt sehr zentral in Mosambik. Es grenzt an den mächtigen Zambeze River und besitzt eine Fläche von ca. 200.000 ha.

The package deal includes

Cape Buffalo

Included in the price: 1 animal(s)

Travel date

0 chosen hunting day(s)

0 additional travel day(s)

Sum: 0 days with 0 overnights

Your selected travel date


(Arrival day)


(Departure day)

Daily rate and accommodation

Facilities: Private bathroom

More information: Traditionelles, ostafrikanisches Safari-Zelt-Camp. Es gibt 10 Zelte, alle mit eigenem Bad, WC und fließendem Wasser. Jedes eignet sich für 2 Personen.

2 : 1
This offer applies for: 1 hunter(s)

Facilities: Private bathroom

More information:

2 : 1
This offer applies for: 1 hunter(s)

Other costs:

Gun rental

€ 46,1,-
per hunting day

Non hunting person(s)

€ 322,9,-
per hunting day


€ 461,3,-


€ 253,7,-

Aufpreise 1:1 Führung

€ 692,0,-
Other costs total: ,-
Total price: €* ,-

* This price was calculated with an online exchange rate. The billing will be in $.


Nearest Airport: Beira oder Lusaka (Sambia)

Distance to airport: -

Pick up service: - Fees: -

Nearest railway station: -

Distance to railway station: -

Pick up service: - Fees: -

Trophy treatment:


Shooting distances:


Caliber recommendation:


Missed shot:

0 % of the estimated trophy price


Deposit: 50 % of the total price

Final payment: 90 days before the trip


100 % of the estimated trophy price


Deposits are non-refundable but can be transferred to an other hunting trip / hunter

Included in the offer:

  • Accommodation
  • Meals
  • Snacks
  • Tee / Coffee
  • Beverages
  • Service fee
  • Guidance
  • Trophy treatment
  • Transportation in territory

NOT included in the offer:

  • Hunting licence
  • Gun rental
  • Taxidermist
  • Trophy export
  • Insurance
  • Transportation from/to airport/railway station: Lusaka - Camp - Lusaka mit Auto: 1.000,-
  • Visa invitation documents: 50/Person
  • Tips: Empfehlung: Guide 100/Tag; Camp Manager 200; Tracker, Skinner,... 500/Gast
  • Accommodation before and after hunt
  • Kommunengebühr pro Person und Tag: 50,-

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