7 days VIP hunting and relaxation
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7 days VIP hunting and relaxation
This offer is not active at the moment.
Location: Trakošćan, Croatia
From: Who is offering this hunt
Hunting time: 16. March - 16. March
Above a lovely fish pond in an obviously carefully cultivated landscape rises the romantic castle Trakošćan. In the surroundings of the castle, which is one of the most beautiful in Northern Croatia, there are valuable hunting areas. Enjoy the combination of untouched nature and relaxation at the Welnesshotel Trakošćan ..more offer details
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Offer description
7 Tage VIP- Jagd und Entspannung
Oberhalb eines lieblichen Fischteiches in einer offensichtlich sorgsam gepflegten landschaft erhebt sich das romantische Schloss Trakošćan. In der Umgebung des Schlosses, das eines der schönsten in Nordkroatien ist, gibt es wertvolle Jagdgebiete.
Genießen Sie die Kombination von unberührter Natur und Entspannung im Wellnesshotel Trakošćan oder im urigen Forsthaus Tonkina Kuca.
An den Tagen Ihrer Anwesenheit wird Ihnen exklusiv ein Berufsjäger als persönliche jagdliche Betreuung zur Seite gestellt.
Das **** Wellnesshotell Trakošćan sowie das Ferienhaus Tonkina Kuca eignen sich hervorragend um eine nicht jagende Begleitung mitzubringen.
-Übernachtung im Wellnesshotel Trakošćan oder Ferienhaus Tonkina Kuca mit Vollpension ohne alkoholische Getränke
-Jagd auf Rehwild ohne Klassenbegrenzung, Pirsch durch das Revier Trakošćan, Picknick direkt im Revier, Ansitz auf Schwarzwild, Besuch von Schloss Trakošćan
- Besuch des Neandertaler- Museums in Krapina, Besuch der Kirche Muttergottes von Jerusalem in Trški Vrh bei Karpina, Weinverkostung in den Weinbergen unserer Berufsjäger in Krapina, Wandertour durch den Naturpark mit unserem Naturreiseführer
Above a lovely fish pond in an obviously carefully cultivated landscape rises the romantic castle Trakošćan. In the surroundings of the castle, which is one of the most beautiful in Northern Croatia, there are valuable hunting areas.
Enjoy the combination of untouched nature and relaxation at the Welnesshotel Trakošćan or in the traditional Tonkina Kuca forestry.
On the days of your presence, we exclusively provide a professional huntsman as a personal hunting service.
The **** Wellnesshotel Trakošćan as well as the holiday house Tonkina Kuca are perfect to bring a non-hunting accompaniment.
-Overnight stay in Wellnesshotell Trakošćan or holiday house Tonkina Kuca with full board without alcoholic drinks
-hunt on roe deer with no restrictions on the class, stalking through the Trakošćan area, picnic directly in the area, sitting on black-and-white, visiting Trakošćan Castle
- visit of Neandertaler Museum in Krapina, visit of the Mother God of Jerusalem church in Trški Vrh near Karpina, wine tasting in the vineyards of our professional hunters in Krapina, hiking tour through the natural park with our naturalist guide
Territory information
Territory size: 10.000 Hectare
Languages: Croatian
Hunting methods: High seat, Stalking, Battue
The package deal includes
No quantitative limit
Travel date
4 chosen hunting day(s)
0 additional travel day(s)
Sum: 4 days with 3 overnights
Your selected travel date
(Arrival day)16.03.2025
(Departure day)Daily rate and accommodation
Facilities: Full board
More information:
Facilities: Full board
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Other costs:
Non hunting person(s)
Nearest Airport: -
Distance to airport: -
Pick up service: - Fees: -
Nearest railway station: -
Distance to railway station: -
Pick up service: - Fees: -
Trophy treatment:
Shooting distances:
Caliber recommendation:
Missed shot:
0 % of the estimated trophy price
No deposit required
Final payment:
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