8-day cougar, lynx and bobcat hunt in Winter
This offer is not active at the moment.
8-day cougar, lynx and bobcat hunt in Winter
This offer is not active at the moment.
Location: Cariboo, Canada
From: Who is offering this hunt
Hunting time: 01. October - 31. January
Description:8-day cougar, lynx and bobcat hunt in Winter for € 6.800.- Cougar season starts in late fall/winter as soon as the snow falls. With the assistance of a professional cougar guide and his experienced hounds, you can experience the hunt for these large cats. With its long legs ..more offer details
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Offer description
8 Tage auf Puma, Kanada- und Rotluchs im Winter
8 Tage auf Puma, Kanada- und Rotluchs im Winter um € 6.800.-
Die Pumasaison startet im Spätherbst/Winter, sobald der erste Schnee liegt. Mithilfe eines professionellen Puma-guides und seinen erfahrenen Hunden, kannst du die Jagd nach diesen Grosskatzen erleben.
Mit seinen langen Beinen und grossen Pfoten ist der Kanadaluchs ein exzellenter Jäger, der sich fast exklusiv von Schneeschuhhasen ernährt.
Der Rotluchs ist der Kleinste der 3 Wildkatzen.
Mit der Kombination aus Puma, Kanadaluchs und Rotluchs erwartet dich eine unvergessliche Jagd auf Wildkatzen.
Im Angebot inbegriffen sind hausgemachte Mahlzeiten, Wasser/Kaffee/Tee, die Unterkunft auf der Wettstone Guest Ranch, die Jagdprämie für das jeweils erste Stück Wild, die Kosten für die Guides, der Transport zwischen Unterkunft und Jagdgebiet, Steuern sowie die Versorgung des Wildes.
Zusätzliche Kosten
Jagdlizenz: € 125/Person
nichtjagende Begleitperson: € 55/Tag
zusätzliches Zimmer: € 70/Tag
Transfer von/nach Kamloops Flughafen (Dauer: ca. 2 Std.)
€ 70/je Weg (max. 3 Personen)
1 Tag: CAD 20/Person
8 Tage: CAD 50/Person
Trinkgeld für Guides
Versandkosten für Trophäen
Jagdprämien für zweites Stück Wild
Bär | € 950.-
Elch | € 1.700.-
Hirsch | € 700.-
Koyote | € 300.-
Luchs | € 1.850.-
Puma | € 2.000.-
Wolf | € 1.000.-
Elch, Luchs und Hirsch sind auf ein Stück Wild pro Jäger begrenzt
8-day cougar, lynx and bobcat hunt in Winter for € 6.800.-
Cougar season starts in late fall/winter as soon as the snow falls. With the assistance of a professional cougar guide and his experienced hounds, you can experience the hunt for these large cats.
With its long legs and broad paws, the lynx is an excellent predator, focusing primarily on hares.
The bobcat is the smallest of the 3 felines.
Create a true feline hunting experience by combining cougar, lynx and bobcat.
What's included in your package
Our hunting packages include 3 home-made meals per day, water/coffee/tea, accommodations at Wettstone Guest Ranch, hunting premium for 1st animal, guiding fees, transportation between your accommodations and our hunting area, taxes and field preparation.
Additional costs
Hunting license: € 125/person
Non-hunting partner: € 55/day
additional room: € 70/day
Airport transfer from/to Kamloops
€ 70/each way (up to 3 people)
Fishing license
1-day: CAD 20/person
8-day: CAD 50/person
Gratuities to guides
Shipping of trophies
Hunting premium (for 2nd animal)
Bear | € 950
Cougar | € 2'000
Coyote | € 300
Deer | € 700
Lynx | € 1'850
Moose | € 1'700
Wolf | € 1'000
Moose, Deer, Lynx & Bobcat are restricted to 1 animal per hunter
Territory information
Territory size: 100.000 Hectare
Type of territory: Free range
Area: Hilly, Bush/Scrubland, Forest, River meadow, Water
Languages: English, German
Hunting methods: High seat, Stalking
The package deal includes
Included in the price: 1 animal(s)
Travel date
0 chosen hunting day(s)
0 additional travel day(s)
Sum: 0 days with 0 overnights
Your selected travel date
(Arrival day)31.01.2026
(Departure day)Daily rate and accommodation
More information:
Other costs:
Non hunting person(s)
additional room
Trophy treatment:
Shooting distances:
Caliber recommendation:
Missed shot:
0 % of the estimated trophy price
Deposit: 50 % of the total price
Final payment: On site
100 % of the estimated trophy price
A wounded animal or lost animal is considered as taken
Deposits are non-refundable
Included in the offer:
- Accommodation
- Meals
- Tee / Coffee
- Beverages
- Guidance
- All local taxes and service charges
- Transportation in territory
NOT included in the offer:
- Alcoholic drinks
- Hunting licence
- Trophy treatment
- Taxidermist
- Trophy export
- Transportation from/to airport/railway station
- Tips
- Activities, other than hunting
- Fishing rights