NAMIBIA Specials Package 2
Brown Blessbuck, Impala, Springbok, Warthog, Zebra
NAMIBIA Specials Package 2
Location: Khomas, Namibia
From: Who is offering this hunt

Hunting time: 01. February - 30. November
Description:Namibia Special Package 2 The phenomenon of "Africa" has overwhelmed us... Almost every hunter at least plays with the idea of traveling to this blessed hunting country. Often the plan is pushed into the background due to appointments, obligations and also financial reasons. We started out like that too ..more offer details
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Offer description
NAMIBIA Specials Paket 2
Namibia Spezialpaket 2
Das Phänomen "Afrika" hat uns selbst übermannt... Nahezu jeder Jäger spielt zumindest mit dem Gedanken dieses gesegnete Jagdland einmal zu bereisen. Oft gerät das Vorhaben durch Termine, Verpflichtungen und auch aus finanziellen Gründen wieder in den Hintergrund.
Auch wir haben so angefangen und auch uns hat der sagenumwobene "Bazillus Afrika" infiziert... Es ist unerklärlich, aber wenn man einmal dort gewesen ist möchte man immer zurück in die Savanne, zu den Kameldorn-Bäumen, dem Bier am Lagerfeuer unter dem unglaublichen Sternenhimmel, den glühenden Himmel beim Sonnenuntergang sehen, die unfassbaren Sinnen der einheimischen Fährtenlesern bewundern und jeden Tag aufs neue den unglaublichen Wildreichtum bestauen.
Kommen Sie mit uns nach Afrika und lassen auch Sie sich verzaubern.
Wir jagen mit Ihnen auf Hartebeest, Bergzebra, Streifengnu, Springbock, Warzenkeiler und Blessbock um 2.990 Euro pro Person.
Wir vermitteln Ihnen Ihr unvergessliches Abenteuer zu einem attraktiven Preis und helfen Ihnen, Ihren jagdlichen Traum zu erfüllen.
Namibia Special Package 2
The phenomenon of "Africa" has overwhelmed us... Almost every hunter at least plays with the idea of traveling to this blessed hunting country. Often the plan is pushed into the background due to appointments, obligations and also financial reasons.
We started out like that too and we too were infected by the legendary "Africa virus"... It's inexplicable, but once you've been there you always want to go back to the savannah, to the camel thorn trees, to the beer by the campfire under the incredible starry sky, to see the glowing sky at sunset, to admire the incredible senses of the local trackers and to marvel at the incredible abundance of wildlife every day.
Come with us to Africa and let yourself be enchanted.
We hunt with you for hartebeest, mountain zebra, blue wildebeest, springbok, warthog and blesbok for 2,990 euros per person.
We will arrange your unforgettable adventure at an attractive price and help you fulfill your hunting dream.
Territory information
Territory size: 6.000 Acres
Type of territory: Free range, Partly fenced
Area: Flat, Grassland, Bush/Scrubland
Languages: English
Hunting methods: Stalking
Additional information: We are Proud to uphold the traditions of ethical and fair-chase hunting. Walking Africa's varied terrain in search of game. The primary objectives are always a top trophy — and a memorable hunting experience. Though most of Namibia hunting concessions are high fenced, we hunt large tracks of land, starting at 6,000 hectare and as large as 20,000 hectares. Our hunting territory consists of a variety of differing terrains including mountain range, bush land and open savannah.
The package deal includes
Included in the price: 1 animal(s)
Included in the price: 1 animal(s)
Included in the price: 1 animal(s)
Included in the price: 1 animal(s)
Included in the price: 1 animal(s)
Travel date
0 chosen hunting day(s)
0 additional travel day(s)
Sum: 0 days with 0 overnights
Your selected travel date
(Arrival day)30.11.2025
(Departure day)Daily rate and accommodation
Facilities: Internet, Bar, Safety deposit box, Private bathroom, Laundry service, Full board
More information: The multiple camps and lodges vary from tented camps to beautiful lodges. Your physical well-being is always taken care of with a variety of African cuisine. We invite the whole family to join us in this adventure. We cater for both hunters and non-hunters and can accommodate up to six people. Local tours and adventures can be arranged for those looking to spend their days exploring rather than hunting. An African safari where a hard day’s hunting filled with adrenaline and excitement is rewarded with a hot shower back at lodge and a cold beer around the fire under star scattered skies, surrounded by the sounds of Africa whispering in your ears.
Other costs:
Gun rental
Non hunting person(s)
each additional day
Trophy treatment:
Rohzubereitung der Trophähen
Shooting distances:
Caliber recommendation:
Bitte seien Sie mit Ihrer Jagdwaffe vollstens vertraut ! Das kleinste zu verwendende Kaliber ist 7mm. Empfohlen wird jedoch ab 30.06 aufwärts zB. 300.Win.Mag 8x68 9,3x62 375H&H
Missed shot:
0 % of the estimated trophy price
Deposit: 1000 €
Final payment: We will provide you with a final invoice the evening before you depart for home. Any deposits you've made previously will be applied, and you can either pay your balance in EUR or USD, or via an electronic transfer.
100 % of the estimated trophy price
Wounded game is considered as harvested, when it can't be found after a professional, conscientious and thorough search.
No refunds on deposits will be made in case of cancellation of the safari, however, full deposits can be carried forward for a later date when re-booked or transferred to a third party. When re-booked for the following year, new price list will be applicable.
Included in the offer:
- Accommodation
- Meals
- Tee / Coffee
- Beverages
- Alcoholic drinks: House wine, local beer in moderation
- Hunting licence
- Guidance
- Transportation in territory
- Transportation from/to airport/railway station
NOT included in the offer:
- Alcoholic drinks: Hard tack (whiskey, brandy etc)
- Gun rental
- Ammunition
- Taxidermist
- Trophy export
- Insurance
- Tips
- Accommodation before and after hunt
- Activities, other than hunting