Annual hunting package

This offer is not active at the moment.

Annual hunting package

This offer is not active at the moment.

Location: Kärnten, Austria

From: Who is offering this hunt

Hunting time: 01. May - 31. December

We are looking for a reliable fellow hunter for a unique 450 hectare high mountain or alpine area in the Central Carinthia area with perfect road access (SUV and partially suitable for cars). Ideal especially for older women and men who want to treat themselves to something for their ..more offer details

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Offer description

Jährliches Abschusspaket

Gesucht wird ein verlässlicher Mitjäger eine Mitjägerin für ein einzigartiges ca. 450 ha großes Hochgebirgs- bzw. Almrevier im Großraum Mittelkärnten mit perfekter Straßenerschließung (SUV und teilweise PKW geeignet). Ideal besonders für ältere Damen und Herren, die sich etwas für Herz und Seele gönnen möchten. Wunderschöne Aussicht und perfekte Reviereinrichtungen, natürlich inklusive!
Eine kleine Jagdhütte zur alleinigen Benützung steht zur Verfügung (SUV erreichbar). Weiters steht eine mittelgroße Jagdhütte nach Absprache zur Verfügung.
Pirschbegleitung ist nicht vorgesehen, kann aber zur Reviereinführung gerne angeboten werden. Auf den Auerhahn ist eine Pirschführung vorgesehen.
Angeboten wird: 6 Stk. Gamswild(2 Gams Kl. I od. II, 2 Gams Kl. III und 2 Kitz) 6 Stk. Rehwild ( 1Bock Kl. A, 1 Bock Kl. B, 2 Geissen, 2 Kitze)
6 Stk. Rotwild(1 Hirsch Kl.III,1 Hirsch 1-jähr, 2 Tiere, 2 Kälber)
1 Auerhahn Weiteres vorkommendes Wild:
Schwarzwild (besonders im Juni)
Schnepfen (muss lt. Abschussplan besprochen werden) Hasen
Angebote bitte unter jagdkaernten (Klammeraffe) g m x (Punkt) at
Sollte der Auerhahn nicht gewünscht sein, reduziert sich das Angebot um € 3000.

We are looking for a reliable fellow hunter for a unique 450 hectare high mountain or alpine area in the Central Carinthia area with perfect road access (SUV and partially suitable for cars). Ideal especially for older women and men who want to treat themselves to something for their heart and soul. Wonderful view and perfect area facilities, of course included!
A small hunting lodge for sole use is available (SUV accessible). Furthermore, a medium-sized hunting lodge is available upon request.
Stalking is not provided, but can be offered for introducing the area. A stalking tour is provided for the capercaillie.
The following is offered: 6 pieces of chamois (2 chamois class I or II, 2 chamois class III and 2 fawn) 6 pieces of roe deer (1 buck class A, 1 buck class B, 2 goats, 2 fawns)
6 red deer (1 deer class III, 1 deer 1 year old, 2 animals, 2 calves)
1 capercaillie Other game:
Wild boar (especially in June)
Snipe (must be discussed according to the shooting plan) hare

Territory information

Territory size: 450 Hectare

Type of territory: Free range

Area: Mountains, High mountains, Forest


Hunting methods: High seat, Stalking

Trophy fee


Included in the price: 6 animal(s)

Red Deer

Included in the price: 6 animal(s)


Included in the price: 1 animal(s)

Wild Boar

No quantitative limit

Shooting fees total: ,-

Travel date

0 chosen hunting day(s)

0 additional travel day(s)

Sum: 0 days with 0 overnights

Your selected travel date


(Arrival day)


(Departure day)

Daily rate and accommodation

Facilities: No bathroom, Self-catering

More information:

Daily rate hunters:


Daily rate already included in the price

Daily rate non hunting person(s):


Daily rate already included in the price

Daily rates total for HUNTING DAY(S): ,-

Other costs:

Other costs total: ,-
Total price: ,-


Nearest Airport: Klagenfurt

Distance to airport: 70 km

Pick up service: - Fees: -

Nearest railway station: -

Distance to railway station: -

Pick up service: - Fees: -

Trophy treatment:


Shooting distances:


Caliber recommendation:


Missed shot:

0 % of the estimated trophy price


Deposit: 100 % of the total price

Final payment: On site




Deposits are non-refundable

Included in the offer:


NOT included in the offer:


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