Biber Hunting in Sweden
Biber Hunting in Sweden
Location: Umeå, Sweden
From: Who is offering this hunt

Hunting time: 15. April - 15. May
Description:The diverse game population is an excellent hunting area for Biber, moose, roe deer and grouse. The hunting areas are located approximately 200 km west of Umea. Approximately 6.8 million hectares of state-owned hunting grounds are available for grouse hunting. PROGRAM SCHEDULE Flight from Austria / Germany - ..more offer details
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Offer description
Hahnen- und Elchjagd in Schweden
Der artenreiche Wildbestand ist ein hervorragendes Jagdgebiet für Elchwild, Rehwild und Rauhfüßhühner. Die Jagdgebiete liegen ungefähr 200km westlich von Umea. Für Schneehuhn-Jagden stehen ca. 6,8 Millionen Hektar staatlicher Reviere zu Verfügung.
Flugreise von Österreich / Deutschland - je nach Verfügbarkeit - bis Stockholm weiter nach Umea - und retour. Sie weden in Umea von Revierbesitzer persönlich abgeholt und zu Ihrer Pension gebracht. (ca. 100 km entfernt)
- 7 Übernachtungen mit Vollpension, alle Transferfahrten
- 6 volle Jagdtage
- Pirschführung 2:1, Jagdkarte
- alle Revierfahrten
- Abschuss von 1 Auerhahn, 1 Birkhahn, 1 Schneehahn, 1 Haselhahn
- Betreuung vor Ort durch den Revierbesitzer
- Unterkünfte in Einzel- und Doppelzimmer mit Verpflegung/Vollpension
Jagdzeit: von 15. Oktober bis 14. November im Preis inkl. Trophäenrohpräparation E
The diverse game population is an excellent hunting area for Biber, moose, roe deer and grouse. The hunting areas are located approximately 200 km west of Umea. Approximately 6.8 million hectares of state-owned hunting grounds are available for grouse hunting.
Flight from Austria / Germany - depending on availability - to Stockholm and then on to Umea - and back. You will be picked up personally in Umea by the area owner and taken to your guesthouse. (approx. 100 km away)
- 4nights with full board,
- 3 full hunting days
- Stalking guide 2:1, hunting license
- all patrols
- Shooting of 1 Biber
- On-site support by the area owner
- Accommodation in single and double rooms with meals/full board
Accommodation in single extra 15
Hunting season: from 15 April to 15 May.
Territory information
Territory size: 120.000 Hectare
Type of territory: Free range
Area: Flat, Forest, Water
Languages: English, German, Swedish
Hunting methods: High seat, Driven hunt (slow), Stalking, Driven hunt, Walk with dogs, Bring your own dog, Other
The package deal includes
Included in the price: 1 animal(s)
Travel date
0 chosen hunting day(s)
0 additional travel day(s)
Sum: 0 days with 0 overnights
Your selected travel date
(Arrival day)15.05.2025
(Departure day)Daily rate and accommodation
Facilities: Internet, TV, Sauna, Fitness center, Restaurant, Bar, Private bathroom, Laundry service, Full board
More information:
Other costs:
Gun rental
Non hunting person(s)
Biber Jagd
Trophy treatment:
Shooting distances:
Caliber recommendation:
Missed shot:
0 % of the estimated trophy price
Deposit: 500 €
Final payment: On site
100 % of the estimated trophy price
Deposits are non-refundable
Included in the offer:
- Accommodation
- Meals
- Full board
- Transportation in territory
- Transportation from/to airport/railway station: 80€ per person
NOT included in the offer:
- Alcoholic drinks
- Gun rental
- Trophy treatment
- Insurance: Reise-, Storno-, Gepäckversicherung
- Transportation from/to airport/railway station
- Accommodation before and after hunt
- Activities, other than hunting
- Flug nach / Flight to Umea