Chamois Hunt in Croatia
This offer is not active at the moment.
Chamois Hunt in Croatia
This offer is not active at the moment.
Location: Split, Croatia
From: Who is offering this hunt
Hunting time: 01. October - 31. January
Description:The Hunting preserve Mosor, covers about 12000 ha and is located in the Mosor mountains with its highest peak of 1339 m above sea level. The easternmost part of the preserve Mosor is bordered by Biokovo Nature Park, which is also ideal for active holidays. The area is in ..more offer details
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Offer description
Gämsejagd in Kroatien
Das Jagdrevier Mosor, umfasst ca. 12000 ha und liegt im Mosor- Gebirge mit seinem höchsten Gipfel von 1339 m über dem Meeresspiegel.
Der östlichste Teil des Jagdreviers Mosor grenzt an den Naturpark Biokovo, der auch für Aktivurlaub bestens geeignet ist.
Das Revier liegt in unmitelbarer Nähe der Stadt Split. Das moderne Split, heute die zweitgrößte Stadt Kroatiens, steht mit ihrem touristischen und kulturellen Angebot Seite an Seite mit allen Mittelmeerstädte dieser Größe. Auch wenn sich das Gebirge in Stadtnähe befindet, wirkt es verlassen und auf den ersten Blick furchterregend. Es gibt keine Straßen und die ehemaligen Bergdörfer sind unbewohnt. Für Jäger und Naturliebhaber ist diese Region ein echtes Paradies.
The Hunting preserve Mosor, covers about 12000 ha and is located in the Mosor mountains with its highest peak of 1339 m above sea level.
The easternmost part of the preserve Mosor is bordered by Biokovo Nature Park, which is also ideal for active holidays.
The area is in the immediate vicinity of the city of Split. The modern Split, today the second-largest city in Croatia, stands with its tourist and cultural facilities side by side with all the mediterranean cities of this size. Even if the mountains are close to the city, it looks deserted and frightening at first glance. There are no roads and the former mountain villages are uninhabited. For hunters and nature lovers this region is a real paradise.
Territory information
Territory size: 12.000 Hectare
Languages: Croatian
Hunting methods: High seat, Stalking
The package deal includes
Included in the price: 1 animal(s)
Travel date
0 chosen hunting day(s)
0 additional travel day(s)
Sum: 0 days with 0 overnights
Your selected travel date
(Arrival day)31.01.2026
(Departure day)Daily rate and accommodation
Facilities: Full board
More information:
Other costs:
each additional day
Trophy treatment:
Shooting distances:
Caliber recommendation:
Missed shot:
0 % of the estimated trophy price
No deposit required
Final payment:
50 % of the estimated trophy price
Wenn das angeschweißte Wild nachträglich gefunden wird, bezahlt man den Rest is zum tatsächlichen Trophäenwert.
keine Angabe
Included in the offer:
- Accommodation
- Full board
- Hunting licence
- Guidance
- Transportation in territory
- Transportation from/to airport/railway station
- Bleichen der Trophäe
NOT included in the offer:
- Beverages
- Taxidermist
- Tips