Exchange chamois hunting

Exchange chamois hunting

Location: Steiermark, Austria

Exchange for: Wild Boar, Mouflon, Sika Deer, I am open for proposals

My preferred countries: Österreich, Deutschland, Tschechien

Hunting season: 01. January - 31. December

Ending: 04. February 2026

Offer the opportunity to hunt chamois in an easily accessible area in Upper Styria. The age group to be hunted is individually agreed upon by both parties. The accommodation in the area is a spacious hunting lodge which can be reached by normal car. I ..more offer details

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Offer description

Tausche Gamswildabschuss

Biete die Möglichkeit auf Gamswild in einem leicht begehbaren Revier in der Obersteiermark zu jagen.
Die zu bejagende Altersklasse ist nach beidseitiger Absprache individuell.
Als Unterkunft ist im Revier ein geräumiges Jagdhaus welches mit dem normalen PKW erreichbar ist.
Würde mich freuen wenn ein Tausch zu Stande kommt und bin für alle Angebote offen.


Offer the opportunity to hunt chamois in an easily accessible area in Upper Styria. The age group to be hunted is individually agreed upon by both parties. The accommodation in the area is a spacious hunting lodge which can be reached by normal car. I would be happy if an exchange could take place and am open to all offers. good hunting

Additional information

Lodging: Hunting lodge
Meals: Coordination required
If first try is not successful: Repetition until hunt is successful
Missed shot: Decision depends on situation
Wounding: Decision depends on situation
Trophies: Coordination required
Gun rental: No
Territory size: 450 Hektar / 1111.9725 Acres
Type of territory: Open (not fenced)
Documents needed: Hunting permission, Hunting license
License fee: € ,-
Hunting methods: High seat, Stalking
Vension: Can be purchased
Yearly bag of the offered game: -
Estimated probability of success: 85 %
Shooting distances: 50 - 300 meters
Recommended caliber: -

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