Fallow deer hunt in the Czech Republic

Fallow deer hunt in the Czech Republic

Location: Czech Republic

From: Who is offering this hunt

Hunting time: 01. November - 31. December

We offer fallow deer hunting permits for the 2023 hunting season. The area is located in north-eastern Bohemia on the border with Poland. The area is 3550 hectares and the nature reserve is 400 hectares. This area has one of the best gene pools for fallow deer. Mouflon, roe ..more offer details

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Offer description

Damhirschjagd in Tschechien

Wir bieten Genehmigungen für die Jagd auf Damwild in der Jagdsaison 2023.
Das Gebiet befindet sich im Nordosten von Böhmen an der Grenze zu Polen.
Das Gebiet ist 3550 Hektar groß und das Naturschutzgebiet ist 400 Hektar groß.
Dieses Gebiet verfügt über einen der besten Genpools für Damwild.
Auch Mufflon, Rehwild und Wildschwein werden hier gejagt.
Die Unterkunft befindet sich direkt im Jagdgebiet.
Auf Wunsch kann ein persönlicher Koch organisiert werden.

Preisliste :
bis zu 135 CIC - 415 EUR
135 - 149,99 CIC - 869 EUR
150 - 159,99 CIC - 1099 EUR
(BRONZ) 160 CIC - 169,99 - 1299 EUR
(SILBER) 170 - 179,99 CIC - 1699 EUR
(GOLD) 180 - 189,99 CIC - 2099 EUR
190 - 199,99 CIC - 2599 EUR
200 - 209,99 CIC - 2799 EUR
210 - 214,99 CIC - 3299 EUR
215+ CIC - 3899 EUR

Tageshonorar - 200 Eur
- Leitfaden
- Transport während der Jagd
- Unterbringung
- Punktevergabe
- Englischsprachiger Dolmetscher für die gesamte Jagd
- Fotografische Dienstleistungen

Der Preis beinhaltet nicht:
- Tschechischer Jagdschein + Versicherung - 65 EUR
- Organisation der Jagd - 150 EUR
- Gewehrmiete - 55 EUR
- Transfer vom / zum Flughafen Alkoholische Getränke

Für weitere Informationen und Preise kontaktieren Sie uns gerne.

We offer fallow deer hunting permits for the 2023 hunting season.
The area is located in north-eastern Bohemia on the border with Poland.
The area is 3550 hectares and the nature reserve is 400 hectares.
This area has one of the best gene pools for fallow deer.
Mouflon, roe deer and wild boar are also hunted here.
The accommodation is located directly in the hunting area.
A personal chef can be organized on request.

Price list :
up to 135 CIC - 415 EUR
135 - 149.99 CIC - 869 EUR
150 - 159.99 CIC - 1099 EUR
(BRONZ) 160 CIC - 169.99 - 1299 EUR
(SILVER) 170 - 179.99 CIC - 1699 EUR
(GOLD) 180 - 189.99 CIC - 2099 EUR
190 - 199.99 CIC - 2599 EUR
200 - 209.99 CIC - 2799 EUR
210 - 214.99 CIC - 3299 EUR
215+ CIC - 3899 EUR

Daily fee - 200 EUR
- Guideline
- Transport during the hunt
- accommodation
- Scoring
- English speaking interpreter for the entire hunt
- Photographic services
-------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------

The price does not include:
- Czech hunting license + insurance - 65 EUR
- Organization of the hunt - 150 EUR
- Rifle rental - 55 EUR
- Transfer from / to airport Alcoholic beverages

For further information and prices please contact us.

Territory information

Territory size: 3.500 Hectare

Type of territory: Free range, Partly fenced

Languages: English, German

Hunting methods: High seat, Driven hunt (slow), Stalking

Trophy fee

Fallow Deer

No quantitative limit

Shooting fees total: ,-

Travel date

0 chosen hunting day(s)

0 additional travel day(s)

Sum: 0 days with 0 overnights

Your selected travel date


(Arrival day)


(Departure day)

Daily rate and accommodation

Facilities: Internet, TV, Restaurant, Private bathroom, Common bathroom, Full board, Half board, Breakfast, Self-catering

More information:

1 : 1
Daily rate hunters:

€ 200,-


Daily rate non hunting person(s):

€ 50,-


Daily rates total for HUNTING DAY(S): ,-

Other costs:


€ 60,-

Gun rental

€ 55,-
per hunting day
Other costs total: ,-
Total price: ,-


Nearest Airport: -

Distance to airport: -

Pick up service: - Fees: -

Nearest railway station: -

Distance to railway station: -

Pick up service: - Fees: -

Trophy treatment:


Shooting distances:


Caliber recommendation:


Missed shot:

0 % of the estimated trophy price


Deposit: 15 % of the total price

Final payment: 1 days before the trip


50 % of the estimated trophy price


Deposits are non-refundable but can be transferred to an other hunting trip / hunter

Included in the offer:

NOT included in the offer:

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