Hunting for chapter rams in the best mouflon area in Hungary
Hunting for chapter rams in the best mouflon area in Hungary
Location: Bakonynána, Hungary
From: Who is offering this hunt
Hunting time: 01. January - 31. December
Description:The hunting area has a hilly low mountain character and is characterized by a lush forest landscape, with 70% consisting of red beech and Turkey oak forests. Four of Hungary's native big game species can be hunted here: red deer, roe deer, mouflon and wild boar. Hunting in ..more offer details
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Offer description
Jagd auf kapitel Widder im besten Muffelrevier Ungarns
Das Jagdgebiet hat einen hügeligen Mittelgebirgscharakter und zeichnet sich durch eine üppige Waldlandschaft aus, wobei 70% aus Rotbuchen- und Zerreichenwäldern bestehen. Hier können vier der in Ungarn heimischen Hochwildarten bejagt werden: Rotwild, Rehwild, Muffelwild und Schwarzwild.
Die Jagd in unserem Revier ist exklusiv Jagdgästen vorbehalten, was die ungestörte Ruhe und Idylle des Reviers gewährleistet.
Reviergröße: 18.000ha
Bei den Unterkünften handelt es sich in erster Linie um erstklassige Jagdhäuser und/oder Pensionen unmittelbar im Revier oder in dessen Nähe. Es besteht die Möglichkeit von Frühstücksverpflegung bis Vollverpflegung.
Einzelzimmerbuchungen gegen Aufpreis möglich
Angebotszeitraum: 16.10 - 20.10.2024
Das Revier eignet sich sehr für die Jagd auf kapitale Muffelwidder - der Widder am Titelbild hat eine Hornlänge von 101,5cm
The hunting area has a hilly low mountain character and is characterized by a lush forest landscape, with 70% consisting of red beech and Turkey oak forests. Four of Hungary's native big game species can be hunted here: red deer, roe deer, mouflon and wild boar.
Hunting in our area is reserved exclusively for hunting guests, which ensures the undisturbed peace and idyll of the area.
area: 18,000ha
The accommodation is primarily first-class hunting lodges and/or guest houses located directly in the hunting area or nearby. Options range from breakfast to full board.
Single room bookings possible for an additional charge
Offer period: 16.10 - 20.10.2024
The area is very suitable for hunting large mouflon rams - the ram on the cover photo has a horn length of 101.5cm
Territory information
Territory size: 18.000 Hectare
Type of territory: Free range
Area: Hilly, Forest
Languages: English, German
Hunting methods: Stalking
Trophy fee
Up to 74.99 cm
From 75 cm to 79.99 cm
From 80.00 cm to 84.99 cm
From 85.00 cm to 89.99 cm
From 90.00 cm
Travel date
0 chosen hunting day(s)
0 additional travel day(s)
Sum: 0 days with 0 overnights
Your selected travel date
(Arrival day)31.12.2025
(Departure day)Daily rate and accommodation
Facilities: Internet, TV, Restaurant, Private bathroom, Full board, Half board, Breakfast
More information: Erstklassiges Jagdhaus direkt im Revier
€ 80,-
Daily rates total for HUNTING DAY(S): € ,-
Other costs:
Trophy treatment:
Shooting distances:
Caliber recommendation:
Missed shot:
0 % of the estimated trophy price
Deposit: 800 €
Final payment: days after trip
50 % of the estimated trophy price
Die Anzahlung wird im Falle nicht rückerstattet, falls die Jagd binnen 60 Tagen vor dem ersten Jagdtag abgesagt wird.
Included in the offer:
NOT included in the offer:
- Service fee
- Hunting licence