Hunting for roebuck

This offer is not active at the moment.

Hunting for roebuck

This offer is not active at the moment.

Location: 2095 Heinrichsreith, Austria

Exchange for: Groundhog, Chamois, I am open for proposals

My preferred countries: Österreich

Hunting season: 15. May - 30. September

Ending: 28. March 2025

The hunt is for an older roebuck. Depending on the situation and time of the hunt, female specimens can also be shot. ..more offer details

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Offer description

Jagd auf Rehbock

Gejagt wird auf einen älteren Rehbock.
Je nach Situation und Zeitpunkt der Jagd können auch vorkommende weibliche Stücke erlegt werden.

The hunt is for an older roebuck. Depending on the situation and time of the hunt, female specimens can also be shot.

Additional information

Lodging: Guesthouse
Meals: Restaurant
If first try is not successful: Coordination required
Missed shot: Can happen, doesn't count
Wounding: Hunt is stopped after 2nd miss shot
Trophies: Coordination required
Gun rental: No
Territory size: 220 Hektar / 543.631 Acres
Type of territory: Open (not fenced)
Documents needed: Hunting permission
License fee: ,-
Hunting methods: High seat, Stalking
Vension: Can be purchased
Yearly bag of the offered game: 4 animal(s)
Estimated probability of success: 90 %
Shooting distances: 50 - 150
Recommended caliber: -

Rating from other hunters:

Overall assessment 93%
Overall impression
Views / Game density
The hunt was as described from the provider
Lodging / Meals
Hunt was successful

Overall assessment:

Eine schöne Jagd, der Gastgeber war an Freundlichkeit nicht zu überbieten.

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