Hunting moose in Finland (moose dog+driven hunt)
Hunting moose in Finland (moose dog+driven hunt)
Location: Savonranta, Finland
From: Who is offering this hunt
Hunting time: 20. October - 30. November
Description:The hunting area is located in the northern part of North Karelia, South Savo and Kainuu, as well as in the province of Bothnia in the area around the town of Alajärvi. Hunting areas can be described as beautiful, lively Finnish hunting nature, which consists of waters, swamps and ..more offer details
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Offer description
Jagd auf Elch in Finnland (Elchhund+Drückjagd)
Das Jagdgebiet befindet sich im nördlichen Teil Nord-Kareliens, Süd-Savo und
Kainuu, sowie in der Provinz Bottnien in der Umgebung der Stadt Alajärvi. Die
Jagdgebiete kann man als schöne, belebte finnische Jagdnatur bezeichnen,
die aus Gewässern, Sümpfen und kleinen Feldern besteht. Die Gebiete sind
groß mit einer Größe von ca. 6000- 20.000 ha.
Elchjagd: Das Jagen vollzieht sich durch Anpirschen mit Hunden und als
Treibjagd welche mit den örtlichen Jagdclubs gemeinsam durchgeführt wird.
Bulle 500 €+ Geweih (über 4 Spitzen) 50 € /Ende
Kuh 300 €
Kalb 150 €
Inkludiert im Angebot
Transport von und zum Flughafen von Helsinki/Joensuu/Kajaani
Transport während der Jagdtage
Unterkunft mit Vollverpflegung
Jagdführung und Elchhund während der Jagd
1 Elchkalb
Nicht Inkludiert
Flug nach Finland oder eigene Autoanreise ca.300 Eur
Alkoholische Getränke
Verpackung und Versand der Trophäen
The hunting area is located in the northern part of North Karelia, South Savo and
Kainuu, as well as in the province of Bothnia in the area around the town of Alajärvi.
Hunting areas can be described as beautiful, lively Finnish hunting nature,
which consists of waters, swamps and small fields. The areas are
large with a size of approx. 6000- 20,000 ha.
Hunting methods:
Elk hunting: The hunt is carried out by stalking with dogs and as
Driven hunt which is carried out jointly with the local hunting clubs.
Shooting fees:
Bull 500 €+ antlers (over 4 points) 50 € /end
cow 300 €
veal 150 €
Included in the offer
Transport to and from Helsinki/Joensuu/Kajaani airport
transport during hunting days
accommodation with full board
Hunting guide and elkhound during the hunt
1 moose calf
Not Included
Flight to Finland or own car journey approx. 300 Eur
Alcoholic beverages
packaging and shipping of trophies
Territory information
Territory size: 10.000 Hectare
Type of territory: Free range
Area: Flat, Hilly, Forest
Languages: English, Finnish
Hunting methods: Driven hunt (slow)
The package deal includes
Included in the price: 1 animal(s)
Travel date
0 chosen hunting day(s)
0 additional travel day(s)
Sum: 0 days with 0 overnights
Your selected travel date
(Arrival day)30.11.2025
(Departure day)Daily rate and accommodation
Facilities: Common bathroom, Full board
More information:
Other costs:
Trophy treatment:
Shooting distances:
5 bis 80 Meter
Caliber recommendation:
Missed shot:
0 % of the estimated trophy price
Deposit: 50 % of the total price
Final payment: On site
Deposits are non-refundable but can be transferred to an other hunting trip / hunter
Included in the offer:
- Accommodation
- Full board
- Hunting licence
- Guidance
- Transportation in territory
- Transportation from/to airport/railway station
NOT included in the offer:
- Alcoholic drinks
- Service fee
- Taxidermist
- Trophy export
- Insurance
- Interpreter service
- Activities, other than hunting
- Vension