Reindeer hunting in Sweden 2:1

Reindeer hunting in Sweden 2:1

Location: Porjus, Sweden

From: Who is offering this hunt

Hunting time: 20. August - 30. October

We hunt in the vast forests of Lapland and the province of Norrbotten, the land of the midnight sun. The hunting season begins annually on August 20th and ends around mid-November. (The main season is from September 1st to November 20th.) October). We hunt on foot or ..more offer details

Package price

€ 7.200

€ 7.200

1 Hunter

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Offer description

Rentierjagd in Schweden 2:1

Wir jagen in den ausgedehnten Wäldern von Lappland und der Provinz Norrbotten,
dem Land der Mitternachtssonne. Die Jagdsaison beginnt jährlich am 20. August und endet etwa Mitte November. (Die Hauptzeit ist vom 1. September bis zum 20.
Wir jagen zu Fuß oder zu Pferd. Bevor Sie ankommen, suchen wir mit Ferngläsern
durch die unglaublichen Weiten Nordschwedens. Nur dadurch können wir Ihnen
einen wirklich majestätischen Rentierbullen versprechen!
Die Rentiere der schwedischen Wälder erlangen nach ca. 5 Jahren den Status eines
Kapitalbullen. Unser Ziel ist es, ausschließlich Kapitalbullen zu jagen !
* Maximum von 4 Jägern pro Jagd.
* Die Erfolgsquote liegt bei 100% 1999-2022

Im Preis enthalten
*5 Jagd. Tage/oft auch 3 Tage
*Jagd zu Fuß oder zu Pferd
*Persönliche Jagdführer
*Vollpension (alle Mahlzeiten + alkoholfreie Getränke)
*Unterkunft Lodge mit vollem Service.
*Alle Jagdlizenzen und Genehmigungen

Bitte beachten Sie:
* Trophäe Rentier - Lebendgewicht bis zu 430 Pfund.
* Freilebende Rentiere.

Im Preis nicht enthalten
* Anreise nach Schweden
* Kleidung und persönlich Ausrüstung
* Präparation und Versand der Trophäen
* Waffeneinfuhr
* Begleitende nicht jagende Gäste: 300 Euro pro Person und Tag.

We hunt in the vast forests of Lapland and the province of Norrbotten,
the land of the midnight sun. The hunting season begins annually on August 20th and ends around mid-November. (The main season is from September 1st to November 20th.)
We hunt on foot or on horseback. Before you arrive, we search with binoculars
through the incredible expanses of northern Sweden. Only in this way can we
promise a truly majestic reindeer bull!
The reindeer of the Swedish forests reach the status of
Capital bulls. Our goal is to hunt only capital bulls!
* Maximum of 4 hunters per hunt.
* The success rate is 100% 1999-2022

Included in the price
*5 hunting days/often 3 days
*Hunting on foot or on horseback
*Personal hunting guides
*Full board (all meals + non-alcoholic drinks)
*Full service lodge accommodation.
*All hunting licenses and permits

Please note:
* Trophy Reindeer - live weight up to 430 pounds.
* Wild reindeer.

Not included in the price
* Arrival in Sweden
* Clothing and personal equipment
* Preparation and shipping of trophies
* Weapon import
* Accompanying non-hunting guests: 300 euros per person per day.

Territory information

Territory size: 5.000 Hectare

Type of territory: Free range

Area: Grassland, River meadow, Hilly, Forest

Languages: English, Swedish

Hunting methods: Stalking

The package deal includes


Included in the price: 1 animal(s)

Travel date

0 chosen hunting day(s)

0 additional travel day(s)

Sum: 0 days with 0 overnights

Your selected travel date


(Arrival day)


(Departure day)

Daily rate and accommodation

Facilities: Full board

More information:

2 : 1
This offer applies for: 1 hunter(s)

Other costs:

Non hunting person(s)

€ 300,-
per hunting day
Other costs total: ,-
Total price: ,-


Nearest Airport: Lulea

Distance to airport: -

Pick up service: - Fees: -

Nearest railway station: -

Distance to railway station: -

Pick up service: - Fees: -

Trophy treatment:


Shooting distances:


Caliber recommendation:


Missed shot:

0 % of the estimated trophy price


Deposit: 50 % of the total price

Final payment: 60 days before the trip


99 % of the estimated trophy price


Deposits are non-refundable

Included in the offer:

NOT included in the offer:

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