Strong muffle rams are in Spain! Complete price!
This offer is not active at the moment.
Strong muffle rams are in Spain! Complete price!
This offer is not active at the moment.
Location: Badajoz, Spain
From: Who is offering this hunt
Hunting time: 01. March - 31. December
Description:Very strong muffle rams under the spanish sun! My hunting friend and outfitter Caza Planeta offers this offer for 2019: Mouflon hunting in Majada Vieja: Day 1: Airport pickup in Madrid - Transfer to Jagdlodge / Estate Day 2 - 3: Hunt for muffle rams Day 4: Transfer back ..more offer details
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Offer description
Starke Muffelwidder waidwerken in Spanien! Komplettpreis!
Auf sehr starke Muffelwidder unter spanischer Sonne!
Mein Jagdfreund und Outfitter Caza Planeta offeriert dieses Angebot für 2019:
Mufflon-Jagd in Majada Vieja:
Tag 1: Abholung am Flughafen in Madrid - Transfer zur Jagdlodge/Estate
Tag 2 - 3: Jagd auf Muffelwidder
Tag 4: Transfer zurück zum Flughafen Madrid
Der Paketpreis beinhaltet:
1 x Muffelwidder ohne Limit
Empfang und Transfer vom Flughafen Madrid zur Lodge/Estate h/z
3 Nächte in privater Jagdlodge/Estate inkl. kompletter Verpflegung und Soft-Getränke
2 Jagdtage inkl. Führung 1:1
alle Revierfahrten
Jagdlizenz und Versicherung
Leihgewehr (falls gewünscht)
Nicht inkludiert im Paketpreis sind:
Flug nach Madrid
Hotels in Madrid
Finale Präparation und Transportkosten
Persönliche Ausgaben und Trinkgelder
Alkoholische Getränke
Begleitung Nicht-Jagende Person 150 Euro pro Tag
21% VAT (Steuern)
Freue mich sehr, wenn noch 1-2 Mitjäger mitfliegen würden, um auf diese interessante Wildart zu waidwerken!!
P.S.: Einen zweiten Muffelwidder zu erlegen, ist pauschal mit 2.500 Euro möglich.
Very strong muffle rams under the spanish sun!
My hunting friend and outfitter Caza Planeta offers this offer for 2019:
Mouflon hunting in Majada Vieja:
Day 1: Airport pickup in Madrid - Transfer to Jagdlodge / Estate
Day 2 - 3: Hunt for muffle rams
Day 4: Transfer back to Madrid airport
The package price includes:
1 x muffle ram without limit
Reception and transfer from Madrid airport to Lodge / Estate h / z
3 nights in private Jagdlodge / Estate including full board and soft drinks
2 hunting days incl. Guided tour 1: 1
all district rides
Hunting license and insurance
Loan rifle (if desired)
Not included in the package price are:
Flight to Madrid
Madrid Hotels
Final preparation and transport costs
Personal expenses and tips
Alcoholic drinks
Accompanying Non-Hunting Person 150 Euro per day
21% VAT (taxes)
I am very happy, if there were 1-2 fellow hunters to fly with me, to work on this interesting wild species !!
P.S .: To kill a second muffle ram is possible with a lump sum of 2.500 Euro.
Territory information
The package deal includes
Included in the price: 1 animal(s)
Travel date
0 chosen hunting day(s)
0 additional travel day(s)
Sum: 0 days with 0 overnights
Your selected travel date
(Arrival day)31.12.2025
(Departure day)Daily rate and accommodation
More information:
Other costs:
Gun rental
Trophy treatment:
Shooting distances:
50 bis 150 meters
Caliber recommendation:
Missed shot:
0 % of the estimated trophy price
Deposit: 50 % of the total price
Final payment: On site
Nach Absprache!
Included in the offer:
- Accommodation
- Full board
- Breakfast
- Lunch
- Dinner
- Service fee
- Gun rental
- Ammunition
- Guidance
- Trophy treatment: Rohpräparation
- All local taxes and service charges
- Transportation in territory
- Transportation from/to airport/railway station
- Interpreter service