Wild boar dog & knife Hunt
This offer is not active at the moment.
Wild Boar
Wild boar dog & knife Hunt
This offer is not active at the moment.
Location: Hawaii, United States of America
From: Who is offering this hunt
Hunting time: 01. January - 31. December
Description:The island of Hawaii, or the Big Island is home to the only active volcano in Hawaii. In the Hawaiian culture the volcano represented their deity "Pele". King Kamehameha the 1st began his conquest to govern all the Hawaiian islands starting from the great island. Not only Hawaii Island ..more offer details
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Offer description
Wildschwein Hund & Messer Jagd
Die Insel Hawaii, oder auch Big Island genannt, ist die Heimat des einzigen aktiven Vulkans auf Hawaii. In der hawaiianischen Kultur repräsentierte der Vulkan ihre Gottheit "Pele". König Kamehameha I. begann seine Eroberung von der großen Insel aus, um auf allen hawaiianischen Inseln zu regieren. Die Insel Hawaii gedeiht jedoch nicht nur mit ihrer hawaiianischen Kultur, sie bietet auch eine erstaunliche Jagd-Erfahrung.
Es gibt zwei wilde Ziegenarten: die spanische Ziege und der hawaiianische Steinbock.
(Unten sind Bilder, die den Unterschied beider Arten zeigen.)
Die Insel Hawaii ist auch Gastgeber der Black Hawaiian Schafe, ziemlich raue Tiere. Sie leben auf den Hängen der Mauna Kea und Mauna Loa Vulkane, in den schönsten Wäldern, die man sich vorstellen kann.
Das einzige gefährliche Wild, das Hawaii zu bieten hat, ist der Vancouver Bull.
Diese Stiere sind die hawaiische Version des amerikanischen Büffels. Da dieses Tier bekannt dafür ist, aggressiv zu sein, wird der Führer eine 12-Gauge-Schrotflinte zum Schutz tragen.
Schließlich dürfen wir nicht Hawaiis Klassiker, das Wildschwein, vergessen.
Von den ersten Siedlern auf Hawaii eingeführt, hat sich dieses Tier seitdem nicht verändert.
Also erweist es sich als eine sehr anspruchsvolle und spannende Jagd!
Fragen Sie uns nach Unterkunft (nach Verfügbarkeit).
Es gibt eine Reihe von Jagdgebieten auf Hawaii, von insgesamt 100.000 Hektar.
The island of Hawaii, or the Big Island is home to the only active volcano in Hawaii. In the Hawaiian culture the volcano represented their deity "Pele". King Kamehameha the 1st began his conquest to govern all the Hawaiian islands starting from the great island. Not only Hawaii Island thrive with Hawaiian culture it also offers an amazing hunting experience.
There are two wild goats; The Spanish goat and the Hawaiian Capricorn.
Below are pictures showing the difference between both species.
The island of Hawaii is also host to the Black Hawaiian sheep, which are some
Rough beasts. They live on the slopes of Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa
Volcanoes in the most beautiful forests you can imagine.
One of the only dangerous game that Hawaii has to offer is the Vancouver Bull.
These bulls are like the Hawaiian version of the American Buffalo. Since this animal is known to be aggressive, the guide will carry a 12-gauge shotgun as support.
Finally, do not forget about Hawaii's classic, the boar.
Brought to Hawaii by the first settlers, this animal has changed since and not
It proves to be a very demanding and exciting hunting.
Ask for accommodation and moufflon (subject to availability).
There are a number of hunting properties on Hawaii Island which have a total of 100,000 acres.
Territory information
Territory size: 40.000 Acres
Type of territory: Free range
Languages: English
Hunting methods: Other
Trophy fee
per 1 animal(s)
Travel date
0 chosen hunting day(s)
0 additional travel day(s)
Sum: 0 days with 0 overnights
Your selected travel date
(Arrival day)31.12.2025
(Departure day)Daily rate and accommodation
More information:
€ 0,-
Daily rates total for HUNTING DAY(S): € ,-
Other costs:
* This price was calculated with an online exchange rate. The billing will be in $.
Trophy treatment:
Shooting distances:
Caliber recommendation:
Missed shot:
0 % of the estimated trophy price
Deposit: 50 % of the total price
Final payment: days before the trip
100 % of the estimated trophy price
Deposits are non-refundable
Included in the offer:
- Snacks
- Beverages
- Gun rental
- Guidance
- Transportation in territory
NOT included in the offer:
- Accommodation
- Meals
- Hunting licence
- Gun license
- Trophy export
- All local taxes and service charges
- Tourism tax
- Insurance
- Transportation from/to airport/railway station
- Tips