Wild Boar Driven Hunting in Serbia

This offer is not active at the moment.

Wild Boar Driven Hunting in Serbia

This offer is not active at the moment.

Location: Plavna

From: Who is offering this hunt

Hunting time: 01. October - 31. January

The price of the hunting day, per group (per group up to 11 hunters) 7200 EUR (Possibility to shoot 25 black) The hunting is organized for the group of 10 to 11 hunters. Catering services are performed in the hunting lodges within the preserve and are not included in ..more offer details

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Offer description

Treibjagd auf Schwarzwild in Serbien

Der Preis pro Jagdtag, je Gruppe (je Gruppe bis 11 Jäger)
7200 EUR (Abschussmöglichkeit von 25 Schwarzwild)
Die Jagd wird für die Gruppe von 10 bis 11 Jäger organisiert.
Verpflegungsdienstleistungen werden in den Jagdhäusern innerhalb der Jagdreviere zur Verfügung gestellt und sind nicht im Preis pro Jagdtag enthalten.
Vollpension im Jagdhaus Plavna: 63 EUR pro Person im Doppelzimmer
Kosten für den Jagdführer- Dolmetscher (35 Euro am Tag + Pension), pro Gruppe
Bei der Preisliste in Euro handelt es sich um annähernde Beträge. Zur Anwendung kommt ausschließlich die aktuell gültige Preisliste in der nationalen Währung Dinar (RSD). In dieser Preisliste wurde zur Umrechnung der Dinarpreise der Wechselkurs 1Euro = 125,00 Dinar verwendet. Der Dinarkurs unterliegt ständigen Änderungen.

The price of the hunting day, per group (per group up to 11 hunters)
7200 EUR (Possibility to shoot 25 black)
The hunting is organized for the group of 10 to 11 hunters.
Catering services are performed in the hunting lodges within the preserve and are not included in the price per hunting day.
Full board at hunting lodge Plavna: 63 EUR per person in a double room
Costs for the hunting guide Translator(35 euros per day + pension), per group
The price list in euro is approximate. The current valid price list is only valid in the national currency Dinar (RSD). In this price list the exchange rate 1Euro = 125.00 Dinar was used for the conversion of the Dinar rates. The Dinar rate is subject to constant changes.

Territory information

Territory size: 1.650 Hectare

Languages: English

Hunting methods: Driven hunt (slow), Driven hunt, Battue

Trophy fee

Wild Boar

Included in the price: 25 animal(s)

Shooting fees total: ,-

Travel date

0 chosen hunting day(s)

0 additional travel day(s)

Sum: 0 days with 0 overnights

Your selected travel date


(Arrival day)


(Departure day)

Daily rate and accommodation

More information:

2 : 1
Daily rate hunters:

€ 63,-


Daily rates total for HUNTING DAY(S): ,-

Other costs:

Other costs total: ,-
Total price: ,-


Nearest Airport: -

Distance to airport: -

Pick up service: - Fees: -

Nearest railway station: -

Distance to railway station: -

Pick up service: - Fees: -

Trophy treatment:


Shooting distances:


Caliber recommendation:


Missed shot:

0 % of the estimated trophy price


Deposit: 30 % of the total price

Final payment: On site




keine Angabe

Included in the offer:


NOT included in the offer:


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