wild boar stand

This offer is not active at the moment.

wild boar stand

This offer is not active at the moment.

Location: Wasserburg am Inn, Germany

Exchange for: Chamois, Black Grouse, Red Deer, I am open for proposals

My preferred countries: Österreich, Deutschland

Hunting season: 01. January - 01. January

Ending: 06. February 2025

Good bye I am happy to offer a stand hunt for wild boar. Boars are a constant game species for us, but a certain amount of spontaneity is required and not every stand hunt is 100% successful. I would like to start a new long-term hunting friendship, preferably with ..more offer details

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Offer description


Biete hier gerne eine Ansitz jagd auf Schwarzwild an. Die Sauen sind bei uns ständiges Wechselwild, jedoch ist etwas Spontanität erforderlich und nicht jeder Ansitz ist zu 100% erfolgreich. Gerne würde ich eine neue langfristige Jagdfreundschaft begründen bevorzugt mit Jagdmöglichkeit auf Gams-oder Rotwild.

Good bye I am happy to offer a stand hunt for wild boar. Boars are a constant game species for us, but a certain amount of spontaneity is required and not every stand hunt is 100% successful. I would like to start a new long-term hunting friendship, preferably with the opportunity to hunt chamois or red deer.

Additional information

Lodging: Guesthouse
Meals: Restaurant
If first try is not successful: Repetition until hunt is successful
Missed shot: Decision depends on situation
Wounding: Decision depends on situation
Trophies: Take immediately and clean yourself
Gun rental: Yes
Territory size: 600 Hektar / 1482.63 Acres
Type of territory: Open (not fenced)
Documents needed: Hunting permission
License fee: 0,-
Hunting methods: High seat
Vension: Can be purchased
Yearly bag of the offered game: 15 animal(s)
Estimated probability of success: 70 %
Shooting distances: 10 - 100
Recommended caliber: 30-06

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