Contact details (e.g. email, phone number, or web address) was detected in your message. We kindly ask for your understanding that the exchange of contact details with the current booking status is not permitted. The respective contact information will be exchanged automatically once the booking is confirmed.
Should the system be mistaken, you can still send the message. Just confirm that there is no contact information in your message. We would like to point out that this message may be checked by Hunter meets Hunter and may lead to your account being suspended should you breach this rule.
Contact details detected
Contact information was detected in your message. The regular exchange process requires that a counter offer must be made in response to an exchange offer by means of an 'exchange request'. Only if the exchange is confirmed by the recipient of the exchange request then, you have the opportunity to rate your exchange deal. We recommend that you demand the exchange request and in any case officially complete your exchange deal here.
About sending attachments:
We would like to point out that the exchange of contact details is not permitted. The respective contact information will be sent automatically after the booking is completed. Failure to do so may result in your account being blocked.
Please confirm that there is no contact information in the message or attachment.