8 days Caprivi antelope hunt 1:1

8 days Caprivi antelope hunt 1:1

Location: Caprivi, Namibia

From: Who is offering this hunt

Hunting time: 01. February - 30. November

Ondjou Safaris cc was established in 2009 by Hentie van Heerden and Falko Schwarz, the sole members of Ondjou Safaris cc. Both company owners’ expertise in African hunting safaris stems from a family tradition. Falko’s passion for Namibian wildlife and the African way of hunting was formed during his ..more offer details

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8 Tage Caprivi Antilopenjagd 1:1

Ondjou Safaris cc wurde 2009 von Hentie van Heerden und Falko Schwarz, den alleinigen Mitgliedern von Ondjou Safaris cc, gegründet. Die Expertise der beiden Firmeninhaber in afrikanischen Jagdsafaris stammt aus einer Familientradition.
Falkos Leidenschaft für die namibische Tierwelt und die afrikanische Art der Jagd hat sich während seiner zahlreichen Ferienaufenthalte in Namibia entwickelt, als er auf der Jagd- und Rinderfarm Halseton seines Vaters in der Nähe von Summerdown lebte. Mit den Großwildsafaris seines Vaters in andere afrikanische Länder wie Kenia und Uganda sammelte er sehr früh Erfahrungen. Nach seinem Studium in Deutschland zog er 2002 nach Namibia und wurde Leiter des Jagdhauses Halseton, wo er auch Jagdkunden leitete. Falko sammelte mit Hentie einen Teil seiner großen Jagderfahrung und bestand sein großes Wildhüter-Examen im Jahr 2011. Seit 2013 ist er ein starkes Mitglied des NAPHA (Big Game Sub Committee) und beteiligt sich aktiv an Anti-Wilderer-Kampagnen.
Hentie begann sein Studium an einer Landwirtschaftsschule in Südafrika, aber seine Liebe zur Tierwelt, Jagd und sein Drang nach Abenteuer ermutigten ihn, professioneller Jäger zu werden. 1999 gründete Hentie sein eigenes Jagdunternehmen namens Van Heerden Safaris. Hentie, der ganz unten als Jagdführer begann, wurde dann Meisterjagdführer, bevor er 2003 seine Berufsjägerlizenz erhielt und 2008 seine Berufsjägerprüfung bestanden hat. Seit 2009 führt Hentie Kunden aus der ganzen Welt in kommunalen Schutzgebieten , beginnend mit Antilopen Jagd in den Damaraland kommunalen Naturschutzgebieten.
Beide Jäger lernten sich in jungen Jahren kennen und entwickelten eine respektvolle und tiefe Freundschaft, die sie dazu veranlasste, gemeinsam ein Geschäft zu eröffnen. Nach 7 Jahren Partnerschaft hat Ondjou Safaris cc bewiesen, dass eine langjährige und fruchtbare Partnerschaft im Jagdgeschäft möglich ist und dass die Kombination der Stärken der Schlüssel zum Erfolg ist.
Wir bieten Ihnen unseren geschätzten Kunden an:
Die Garantie, dass ONDJOU & VAN HEERDEN SAFARIS das Ministerium für Umwelt- und Tourismusgesetze sowie die lokalen Gesetze respektieren und einhalten
Professionelle Jagdführer, die sich streng an die "Fair Chase" ethischen Jagdpraktiken halten
Persönlich geführte Afrikanische Jagdsafaris in Namibia
16 Jahre Erfahrung namibischer Jagdoutfitter
Das gesamte Spektrum der Jagden, die Namibia zu bieten hat, reicht von - Rinderfarmen, auf denen sich Wild frei bewegen kann, bis hin zu Jagdfarmen für ausgewählte Arten und großen kommunalen Konzessionsgebieten für bestimmte Großwildarten
Die Trophäenjagt nur auf reife Tiere
Verschiedene Aktivitäten für die nichtjagenden Familienmitglieder, die Sie auf Ihrer Jagdsafari in Afrika begleiten
Persönliche Unterstützung bei der Zusammenstellung einiger Aktivitäten vor und nach der Jagd in Zusammenarbeit mit namhaften Foto Safari Betreibern in Namibia
Eine professionell gewartete Fahrzeugflotte während der Jagd

Ondjou Safaris cc was established in 2009 by Hentie van Heerden and Falko Schwarz, the sole members of Ondjou Safaris cc. Both company owners’ expertise in African hunting safaris stems from a family tradition.
Falko’s passion for Namibian wildlife and the African way of hunting was formed during his various holidays visits to Namibia, when he stayed on his father’s hunting and cattle ranch Halseton in the vicinity of Summerdown. With his father’s big game safaris to other African countries like Kenya and Uganda, he gained experience very early. After completing his studies in Germany, he moved to Namibia in 2002 and became the manager of the Hunting Lodge Halseton, where he also started guiding hunting clients. Falko gained part of his big game experience on hunts with Hentie and passed his big game hunter exam in 2011. Since 2013 he’s a strong member of the NAPHA (Namibia Hunting Association) big game subcommittee and is actively involved in anti-poaching campaigns.
Hentie started off studying at an agricultural college in South Africa, but his love for wildlife, hunting and his urge for adventure encouraged him to become a professional hunter. In 1999 Hentie founded his own hunting operation, called Van Heerden Safaris. Hentie, started at the very bottom as a Hunting Guide, then became a Master Hunting Guide before obtaining his professional hunter license in 2003 and passed his big game professional hunter exam in 2008. Since 2009 Hentie has guided clients from around the world in communal conservancies, starting off with plains game hunting in the Damaraland communal conservancies.
Both hunters got to know each other at a young age and developed a respectful and deep friendship, which made them decide to open a business together. After 7 years of partnership Ondjou Safaris cc has proven that a long lasting and fruitful partnership in the hunting business is possible and that combining strengths is the key to success.
We offer you our valued client:
The guarantee that ONDJOU & VAN HEERDEN SAFARIS respects and abides by the Ministry of Environment and Tourism laws as well as to the local laws
Professional hunting guides who strictly abide by “Fair Chase” ethical hunting practices
Personally operated African Hunting safaris in Namibia
16 years of Namibian hunting outfitters experience
The whole spectrum of hunts Namibia has to offer from – Cattle ranches where game can move freely through the area to hunting ranches for selected species and large free range communal concession areas for certain big game species
Trophy hunts for only old aged animals
Different activities for the non-hunting family members accompanying you on your hunting safari in Africa
Personal assistance in putting some activities together before and after your hunt in cooperation with some reputable photographic safari operators in Namibia
A professionally serviced vehicle fleet whilst hunting

Territory information

Additional information: The Eastern Caprivi is an oasis for antelopes, with rivers like the mighty Zambezi, Chobe, Kwando and Linyanti. Mamili National Park is the largest wetland area in Namibia that enjoys conservation status and so creating a protected zone for the fauna and flora living in this lush, complex marshland. Dzoti hunting concession is one of the youngest registered conservancies but definitely one of the most promising hunting areas in Namibia. The area comprises of 250 km² and borders directly with three major National Parks. You will be welcomed on arrival at the airport, by the professional hunter and escorted to the hunting territory. Shortly after arrival in the territory, you will visit the shooting range to prepare and check all equipment for the hunt. After the hunt it is possible to visit Swakopmund or Windhoek for some shopping and then the journey home starts.

Trophy fee


per 1 animal(s)

Grey Duiker

per 1 animal(s)


per 1 animal(s)

Blue Wildebeest

per 1 animal(s)


per 1 animal(s)


per 1 animal(s)


per 1 animal(s)

Shooting fees total: ,-

Travel date

0 chosen hunting day(s)

0 additional travel day(s)

Sum: 0 days with 0 overnights

Your selected travel date


(Arrival day)


(Departure day)

Daily rate and accommodation


More information: Breakfast is usually before sunrise, where after you will go hunting with your professional hunter, tracker and driver. You will be driving spotting game and do some stalks on animals that you have on your wish list. When the animals start hanging around in the shade during the hotter time of the day, you will be heading back to the camp. Where you will enjoy a good lunch and have some time off from the normal hunting activities. In the after noon you will be heading out into the bush until sunset. During your drive back to camp it will be dark, which means temperatures drop and it could really become cold.

1 : 1
Daily rate hunters:

€ 625,-


Daily rate non hunting person(s):

€ 310,-


Daily rates total for HUNTING DAY(S): ,-

Other costs:

Transport and hotel for arrival and depature per person

€ 400,-
Other costs total: ,-
Total price: ,-


Nearest Airport: Hosea Kutako

Distance to airport: -

Pick up service: Yes Fees: -

Nearest railway station: -

Distance to railway station: -

Pick up service: - Fees: -

Trophy treatment:

We normally ship trophies by airfreight within four weeks after completion of your safari. Your trophies should reach their destination within two months from that date. Taxidermy prices in Namibia are very affordable and the quality and workmanship is very good. Financially there is very little difference between the cost of shipping raw trophies or mounted ones. The normal completion time to mount trophies is approximately 8 – 10 months.

Shooting distances:


Caliber recommendation:


Missed shot:

0 % of the estimated trophy price


Deposit: 50 % of the total price

Final payment: On site


100 % of the estimated trophy price

Wounded game is considered as harvested, when it can't be found after a professional, conscientious and thorough search.


Deposits are non-refundable

Included in the offer:

  • Accommodation
  • Meals
  • Beverages
  • Hunting licence
  • Transportation in territory
  • Transportation from/to airport/railway station

NOT included in the offer:

  • Gun rental
  • Ammunition
  • Taxidermist
  • Trophy export
  • Insurance
  • Tips

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