Arrangement on roebuck Hungary

This offer is not active at the moment.

Arrangement on roebuck Hungary

This offer is not active at the moment.

Location: Ungarn, Hungary

From: Who is offering this hunt

Hunting time: 15. April - 30. September

Our buck territories are mainly situated in the Hungarian lowlands and the Puszta, in the area around Kecskemet and Szolnok, but also in the Mecsek Mountains. We hunt the red deer mainly in Southern Hungary in the counties Somogy, Zala and Baranya. Our top territories on fallow are Labod ..more offer details

Package price

€ 1.255

€ 1.255

1 Hunter

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Offer description

Arrangement auf Rehbock Ungarn

Unsere Bockreviere liegen hauptsächlich in der ungarischen Tiefebenen und der Puszta, wie z.B. in der Gegend um Kecskemet und Szolnok, aber auch in dem Mecsekgebirge. Den Rothirsch bejagen wir hauptsächlich in Südungarn in den Komitaten Somogy, Zala und Baranya. Unsere Topreviere auf Damwild sind Labod und Gyulay, die auch im südlichen Ungarn liegen. Der Mufflonwidder wird hauptsächlich im Bükgebirge, sowie in Südwestungarn bejagt.
Das Angebot:
4 Tage - 8 Pirschgänge
2-Bett-Zimmer, Halbpension, Jagdkarte, Jagdversicherung, Trophäenbewertung, Organisationskosten und
3 Rehböcke, 200-300 g = 1075 Eur
2 Rehböcke, 250-350 g = 1255 Eur
Sollte tatsächlich eine Nicht-Erlegung eintreten so bekommen Sie den Pauschlapreis der Böcke (200/385 Eur) rückerstattet.
zusätzliche Kosten:
Transport im Revier pro Pirschgang 25 Eur oder 0,8 Eur pro km
Verlängerungstag 70 Eur
In Forstverwaltungsgebieten Aufpreis von 60 Eur

Our buck territories are mainly situated in the Hungarian lowlands and the Puszta, in the area around Kecskemet and Szolnok, but also in the Mecsek Mountains. We hunt the red deer mainly in Southern Hungary in the counties Somogy, Zala and Baranya. Our top territories on fallow are Labod and Gyulay, which also lie in southern Hungary. The mufflon-ram is mainly hunted in the Bük-mountains, as well as in South-west-hungary.
The offer:
4 days - 8 stalks
2-bed room, half board, hunting card, hunting insurance, trophy evaluation, organization costs and
3 reefs, 200-300 g = 1075 Eur
2 roe deer, 250-350 g = 1255 Eur
If a non-harvesting occurs, the flat rate of the bucks (200/385 Eur) will be refunded to you.
additional costs:
Transport in the area per stalk 25 Eur or 0,8 Eur per km
processing charges
Additional day 70 Eur
In forest management areas - extra charge of 60 Eur

Territory information

Territory size: 1 Hectare

Languages: English, Hungarian

Hunting methods: Stalking

The package deal includes

Roe Deer


From 250 g to 350 g

Included in the price: 2 animal(s)

Travel date

0 chosen hunting day(s)

0 additional travel day(s)

Sum: 0 days with 0 overnights

Your selected travel date


(Arrival day)


(Departure day)

Daily rate and accommodation

Facilities: Half board

More information:

This offer applies for: 1 hunter(s)

Other costs:

Other costs total: ,-
Total price: ,-


Nearest Airport: -

Distance to airport: -

Pick up service: - Fees: -

Nearest railway station: -

Distance to railway station: -

Pick up service: - Fees: -

Trophy treatment:


Shooting distances:


Caliber recommendation:


Missed shot:

0 % of the estimated trophy price


Deposit: 100 % of the total price

Final payment: days before the trip




Deposits are non-refundable

Included in the offer:


NOT included in the offer:


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