Bongo Safari in Lokomo, Cameron

Bongo Safari in Lokomo, Cameron

Location: Kika, Cameroon

From: Who is offering this hunt

Hunting time: 01. March - 30. May

The hunt for the bongo in the rainforest of Cameroon is really exciting and exhausting. The Hunt starts early in the morning. With the help of a 4x4 vehicle we search for tracks. If a new, single, strong track of a bongo is found, the track is cut ..more offer details

Package price

€ 38.058

€ 38.058

1 Hunter

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Offer description

The hunt for the bongo in the rainforest of Cameroon is really exciting and exhausting.
The Hunt starts early in the morning. With the help of a 4x4 vehicle we search for tracks.
If a new, single, strong track of a bongo is found, the track is cut out with the help of the appropriate pygmies and hunting dogs.
The jungle is very thick and you can only see 5 to 20 meters. The pygmies along with the stalker who always will be on your side will uncover a path with machetes following the track. The dogs are always close to the hunters.
If you get close to the bongo, the dogs start with the baiting. Normally the bongo opposes to the hunting dogs.
In this moment you stalk close enough to the bongo.
If the bongo has a good trophy size and age, you are allowed to shoot. If the bongo is too young, the dogs are withdrawn and a new track is sought.
In addition to the bongo, other game species that are typical for the rainforest area can also be hunted in the 14 hunting days. Extra costs are only incurred for the purchase of these pieces. The price list is shown in the pictures.
In addition to the hunt with dogs, there are also hide hunts and hunts with imitation calls.
The final accomodation is going to be fixed by the outfitter and is depending on the hunting area.
The day of arrival and departure is included in the price.
Thetrip to the camp starts from Douala, the capital of Cameroon, with a charter plane to the hunting area. This is included in the price.
If you prefer to travel through the country, it is possible to reach the camp by car. The journey takes around 13 hours and is arround 1400 km. It would cost $ 2500 per car.
A 15% tax on the trophy price is included in the price.
The buyer bears the costs for the visa, travel insurance and an arms license. However, HHK Safaris will be happy to provide you with information, contacts and questions.
The hunting license is organized by HHK Safaris. It can be used to shoot 2 more game from class A and 4 more from class B (see price list).
If you just want to be stalked on your own, there is a $ 9000 surcharge.
If you want to take an escort with you its 3500$ for the wgole trip.
If you are not succesful on a bongo, which normally doesn´t happen, you get back $ 5.550.
Vaccination against malaria, yellow fever and meningitis is recommended.

Territory information

Territory size: 220.000 Acres

Type of territory: Free range

Area: Flat, Forest, Water

Languages: English, German, French

Hunting methods: High seat, Stalking, Pack of hounds

Additional information: Das Revier besteht aus 2 Jagdblöcken, mit den Namen Kika und Manbele. Das Jagdgebiet befindet sich im Südosten des Landes und grenzt direkt an den Lobeke National Park sowie an die Grenze zu der Republik Kongo. Es handelt sich um tropischen Regenwald mit mehr als 200 verschiedenen Baumarten. Manche Baumkolosse erreichen ein Volumen von bis zu 80 Festmeter. Das Revier hat ein sehr gutes Straßennetz, was wichtig ist, um frische Fährten zu finden. Neben dem guten Straßennetz im Regenwald gibt es auch einige freie Gras- und Sumpfflächen mit Salzlecken und gut ausgestatteten Hochständen, wo die Ansitzjagd möglich ist.

The package deal includes


Included in the price: 1 animal(s)

Travel date

0 chosen hunting day(s)

0 additional travel day(s)

Sum: 0 days with 0 overnights

Your selected travel date


(Arrival day)


(Departure day)

Daily rate and accommodation

Facilities: Internet, Common bathroom, Laundry service, Full board

More information: Das Camp liegt im Safarigebiet, rund 10 km entfernt vom Dorf Kika. Man wird vom Personal, das über einen Koch, Kellner und Reinigungskräften verfügt in den luxuriösen afrikanischen Holzhütten rund um die Uhr versorgt.

2 : 1
This offer applies for: 1 hunter(s) and 1 non hunting person

Facilities: Internet, Common bathroom, Laundry service, Full board

More information: Auch dieses Camp liegt mitten im Safarigebiet und ist vom Regenwald umgeben. Man wird vom Personal, das über einen Koch, Kellner und Reinigungskräften verfügt in den luxuriösen afrikanischen Holzhütten rund um die Uhr versorgt.

2 : 1
This offer applies for: 1 hunter(s) and 1 non hunting person

Other costs:

Gun rental

€ 46,0,-
per hunting day

Non hunting person(s)

€ 3.217,5,-

SAT Internet 10 GB

€ 229,8,-
Other costs total: ,-
Total price: €* ,-

* This price was calculated with an online exchange rate. The billing will be in $.


Nearest Airport: Douala

Distance to airport: 1000 km

Pick up service: - Fees: -

Nearest railway station: -

Distance to railway station: -

Pick up service: - Fees: -

Trophy treatment:

Eine Rohpräperation der Trophäe ist möglich und im Preis inkludiert.

Shooting distances:

10 bis 70 Meter

Caliber recommendation:

375 H&H

Missed shot:

0 % of the estimated trophy price


Deposit: 50 % of the total price

Final payment: 30 days before the trip


100 % of the estimated trophy price

Angeschweißte und weibliche Stücke werden mit 100% des Preises verrechnet


Deposits are non-refundable

Included in the offer:

  • Accommodation
  • Meals
  • Full board
  • Snacks
  • Beverages
  • Hunting licence
  • Guidance
  • Trophy treatment
  • Transportation in territory
  • Transportation from/to airport/railway station

NOT included in the offer:

  • Gun license
  • Gun rental
  • Taxidermist
  • Trophy export
  • Visa invitation documents
  • Tips

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