Exchange 2 chamois for hunting in Scandinavia

This offer is not active at the moment.

Exchange 2 chamois for hunting in Scandinavia

This offer is not active at the moment.

Location: Waidhofen an der Ybbs, Austria

From: Michael

Exchange for: Moose, Capercaillies, Black Grouse, I am open for proposals

My preferred countries: Schweden, Norwegen, Finnland

Hunting season: 01. August - 31. December

Ending: 31. December 2023

I offer 2 chamois against a hunting for 2 persons in Sweden, Norway or Finland. I would like to go hunting with a friend in Scandinavia. Of course you can also come to Austria with a second person. We would like to hunt for moose, capercaillie or black cock ..more offer details

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Offer description

Tausche 2 Gams gegen Jagd für 2 Jäger in Skandinavien

Ich biete 2 Gams gegen eine Jagd für 2 Personen in Schweden, Norwegen oder Finnland. Ich möchte gemeinsam mit einem Freund in Skandinavien jagen gehen. Natürlich können auch Sie zu zweit nach Österreich kommen.
Wir würden gerne auf Elch oder auf Auerwild oder Birkwild mit Hund jagen.
Sie können auf meiner Jagdhütte wohnen welche mitten im Revier liegt. Gejagt wird hauptsächlich vom Hochstand aus, je nach Situation muss/kann aber auch gepirscht werden.

I offer 2 chamois against a hunting for 2 persons in Sweden, Norway or Finland. I would like to go hunting with a friend in Scandinavia. Of course you can also come to Austria with a second person. We would like to hunt for moose, capercaillie or black cock with a dog. You can stay on my hunting hut, which is in the middle of the territory. Chasing is mainly from the high stand, depending on the situation it must / can be also stalked.

Additional information

Lodging: Hunting cabin
Meals: At my place
If first try is not successful: Coordination required
Missed shot: Can happen, doesn't count
Wounding: Count as a kill
Trophies: Cleaning is part of the deal
Gun rental: Yes
Territory size: 900 Hektar / 2223.945 Acres
Type of territory: Fenced
Documents needed: Hunting permission, Hunting license
License fee: € 20,-
Hunting methods: High seat, Stalking
Vension: Can be purchased
Yearly bag of the offered game: -
Estimated probability of success: 90 %
Shooting distances: 30 - 200 meters
Recommended caliber: 7mm

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