Hunting moose, red deer and wild boar in Sweden
This offer is not active at the moment.
Moose, Red Deer, Wild Boar, Roe Deer, Beaver, Capercaillies, Black Grouse
Hunting moose, red deer and wild boar in Sweden
This offer is not active at the moment.
Location: Bengtsfors, Sweden
From: Who is offering this hunt
Hunting time: 03. November - 09. November
Description:A traditional moose hunt is offered in Sweden near Bengtsfors. The hunting grounds have a very good moose population and a good population of roe deer/red deer/wild boar as well as game birds. Arrival is on Sunday. The accommodations are heated, have running water and electricity. There is a ..more offer details
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Offer description
Jagd auf Elchwild, Rotwild und Sauen in Schweden
Angeboten wird eine traditionelle Elchjagd in Schweden in der Nähe von Bengtsfors. Die Reviere verfügen über ein sehr gutes Elchvorkommen und einen guten Bestand von Rehwild/Rotwild/Sauen sowie Flugwild.
Anreise erfolgt am Sonntag. Die Unterkünfte sind beheizt, verfügen über fließend Wasser, Strom. Sauna und Whirlpool sind vorhanden.
Gejagt wird von Montags bis Freitags mit dem Loshund. Pro Jagdtag stehen zwei Treiben an. Mittags werden die Jäger von einem Restaurant verpflegt, Frühstück und warmes Abendessen werden vom Veranstalter zubereitet.
Elchwild ist Hauptzielart.
In der Woche werden freigegeben:
2 Elchbullen, ein adultes weibliches Stück, zwei Elchkälber. Die Erfolgswahrscheinlichkeit das 5 Elche geschossen werden liegt bei nahe 100%. Es gibt keine Trophäenbeschränkung.
Bei 12 Jägern ist aber auch klar, dass nicht jeder Jäger Jagderfolg haben wird.
Es gibt noch ein weiteres Jagdgebiet mit ebenfalls sehr gutem Elchvorkommen. In diesem findet jährlich lediglich eine Jagdwoche statt, in der es bei 12 Jägern keine Anzahlbegrenzung hinsichtlich Erlegung gibt. Sollten hier nähere Informationen gewünscht sein gerne melden.
Rotwild und Sauen werden unbegrenzt ungeachtet der Trophäenstärke freigegeben.
Schleppangeln auf Hecht sowie Spinnangeln auf Barsch sind ebenso möglich wie das Brackieren auf Rehwild/Schneehase, der Abendansitz auf Biber oder die Jagd auf Auerhahn und Birkhahn.
Es entstehen keine zusätzlichen Kosten
Die Jagdgruppe ist auf 12 Jäger begrenzt.
ca. 25 kg Elchfleisch pro Jäger kostenlos.
Sämtliche Stände werden zugelost
A traditional moose hunt is offered in Sweden near Bengtsfors. The hunting grounds have a very good moose population and a good population of roe deer/red deer/wild boar as well as game birds.
Arrival is on Sunday. The accommodations are heated, have running water and electricity. There is a sauna and whirlpool.
Hunting takes place from Monday to Friday with a dog. There are two drives per hunting day. At lunchtime, the hunters are fed by a restaurant, and breakfast and a warm evening meal are prepared by the organizer.
Elk is the main target species.
The following will be released this week:
2 bull moose, one adult female, two moose calves. The probability of shooting 5 moose is almost 100%. There is no trophy limit.
With 12 hunters, however, it is also clear that not every hunter will be successful.
There is another hunting area with a very good moose population. There is only one hunting week here each year, and there is no limit on the number of moose killed, provided there are 12 hunters. If you would like more information, please get in touch.
Red deer and wild boars are released without restriction regardless of trophy size.
Trolling for pike and spinning for perch are just as possible as baiting for roe deer/mountain hare, evening ambush for beavers or hunting for capercaillie and black grouse.
There are no additional costs
The hunting group is limited to 12 hunters.
Approx. 25 kg of moose meat per hunter free of charge.
All stands will be allocated at random
Territory information
Territory size: 3.000 Hectare
Type of territory: Free range
Area: River meadow, Hilly, Forest, Water
Languages: English, German, Swedish
Hunting methods: Driven hunt (slow), Stalking
The package deal includes
Included in the price: 2 animal(s)
No quantitative limit
No quantitative limit
No quantitative limit
Included in the price: 1 animal(s)
Included in the price: 1 animal(s)
Included in the price: 1 animal(s)
Included in the price: 2 animal(s)
Included in the price: 1 animal(s)
Travel date
0 chosen hunting day(s)
0 additional travel day(s)
Sum: 0 days with 0 overnights
Your selected travel date
(Arrival day)09.11.2024
(Departure day)Daily rate and accommodation
Facilities: TV, Sauna, Spa, Full board
More information:
Other costs:
Non hunting person(s)
each additional day
Trophy treatment:
Shooting distances:
5 bis 300 Meter
Caliber recommendation:
Missed shot:
0 % of the estimated trophy price
Deposit: €
Final payment:
1 % of the estimated trophy price
Deposits are non-refundable but can be transferred to an other hunting trip / hunter
Included in the offer:
- Accommodation
- Breakfast
- Lunch
- Dinner
- Snacks
- Tee / Coffee
- Beverages
- Guidance
- Search with bloodhound
- All local taxes and service charges
- Transportation in territory
- Accommodation before and after hunt
- Activities, other than hunting
- Fishing rights
- Boat rental
NOT included in the offer:
- Hunting licence
- Gun license
- Trophy treatment
- Trophy export