individual hunting
This offer is not active at the moment.
Red Deer
individual hunting
This offer is not active at the moment.
Location: Seslav, Bulgaria
From: Who is offering this hunt
Hunting time: 01. September - 31. January
Description:Bulgaria is located in the southeastern part of Europe on the Balkan peninsula. The territory covers 111 000 km. It borders on Greece, Turkey, Macedonia and Serbia, Romania and the Black Sea. The climate has 4 seasons. The landscape is varied from plains through hilly slopes to steep and ..more offer details
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Offer description
Bulgarien liegt im südöstlichen Teil Europas auf der Balkan Halbinsel. Das Territorium umfasst 111 000 km. Es grenzt an Griechenland, an die Türkei, Mazedonien und Serbien, Rumänien und Schwarzen Meer.
Das Klima hat 4 Jahreszeiten. Die Landschaft ist vielfältig von Ebenen durch hügeliche Abhänge bis steilen und hohen Gebirgen. Viele und gleichmäßig gelegene Flüsse und Seen.
Von herrlichen Hochgebirgsrevieren für sportliche Jäger, über Mittelgebirgs- und Hügelreviere, bis hin zu Flachlandrevieren, die auch dem konditionell nicht austrainierten Jäger zu Gute kommen, hat Bulgarien Jagden für jeden Geschmack zu bieten.
Jagdlich steht Bulgarien für Spitzentrophäen und perfekte Organisation. Die strengen Hege- und Abschussrichtlinien und die herausragende Fachkompetenz haben zu quantitativ und qualitativ sehr guten Wildbeständen geführt.
Als klassisches Jagdland ist Bulgarien vor allem durch seine sehr starken Rothirsche und Keiler bekannt geworden. Jedes Gebiet und Revier hat seinen eigenen Reiz.
Bulgaria is located in the southeastern part of Europe on the Balkan peninsula. The territory covers 111 000 km. It borders on Greece, Turkey, Macedonia and Serbia, Romania and the Black Sea.
The climate has 4 seasons. The landscape is varied from plains through hilly slopes to steep and high mountains. Many and evenly situated rivers and lakes.
From splendid high mountains for sporting hunters, to middle mountain and hill reefs, to lowland reefs, which also benefit the non-trained hunters, Bulgarian hunts has to offer for every taste.
Hunting is Bulgaria's top-notch and perfect organization. The strict management and launch regulations and the outstanding professional competence have led to quantitatively and qualitatively very good game stocks.
As a classic hunting land, Bulgaria has been known for its strong reds and boars. Each area and area has its own charm.
Territory information
Trophy fee
Up to 3.99 kg
From 4 kg
From 5 kg
From 6 kg
From 7 kg
From 8 kg
From 9 kg
From 10 kg
From 11 kg
From 12 kg
Travel date
0 chosen hunting day(s)
0 additional travel day(s)
Sum: 0 days with 0 overnights
Your selected travel date
(Arrival day)31.01.2026
(Departure day)Daily rate and accommodation
Facilities: Full board
More information:
€ 338,-
Daily rates total for HUNTING DAY(S): € ,-
Other costs:
Trophy treatment:
Shooting distances:
Caliber recommendation:
Missed shot:
0 % of the estimated trophy price
Deposit: 100 % of the total price
Final payment: On site
Deposits are non-refundable
Included in the offer:
- Accommodation
- Full board
- Tee / Coffee
- Beverages
- Hunting licence
- Guidance
- Trophy treatment
- Transportation in territory
- Transportation from/to airport/railway station
- Interpreter service
- Visa invitation documents