Maral and Ibex - Unforgettable experience in Kazakhstan
This offer is not active at the moment.
Maral, Ibex
Maral and Ibex - Unforgettable experience in Kazakhstan
This offer is not active at the moment.
Location: Almaty, Kazakhstan
From: Who is offering this hunt
Hunting time: 21. June - 21. June
Description:Kazakhstan is known for spezial trophies. The average trophies to be expected in the Aaltau range from 105 to 120 cm. Capital Ibex with horn lengths of 130cm and longer. Kazakhstan offers the best conditions for the hunting of the Maral. The antlers of mature marals are on average ..more offer details
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Offer description
Maral und Steinbock - Unvergessliches Erlebnis in Kasachstan
Kasachstan ist bekannt für seine Spitzentrophäen. Die durchschnittlich zu erwartenden Trophäenstärken im Dschungarishen Aaltau liegen bei105 bis 120 cm.
Kapitale Steinböcke prahlen mit Hornlängen von 130cm und stärker.
Kasachstan bietet für die Jagd auf den brunftenden Marsal beste Voraussetzungen. Die Geweihe reifer Marale liegen durchschnittlich bei 11-12 kg. Stärkere Marale tragen Geweihe zwischen 13-15 kg und hochkapitale auch über 16kg. Aber nicht nur die guten Trophäen beeindrucken. Der Wildbestand ist ausgezeichnet und die Jagd in der traumhaft schönen Bergwelt ist bei normaler Wetterlage während der Hauptbrunft von ca. Mitte September bis Anfang Oktober sehr erfolgssicher. Die Jagd wird grundsätzlich als Pferdejagd organisiert.
Kazakhstan is known for spezial trophies. The average trophies to be expected in the Aaltau range from 105 to 120 cm.
Capital Ibex with horn lengths of 130cm and longer.
Kazakhstan offers the best conditions for the hunting of the Maral. The antlers of mature marals are on average 11-12 kg. Stronger marals carry antlers between 13-15 km and high capitale also over 16kg. The wild game is excellent and the hunting in the beautiful mountain scenery is very successful in normal weather conditions during mid-September to early October.
Territory information
Type of territory: Free range
Languages: Russian
Hunting methods: Stalking
Trophy fee
Up to 12 kg
From 12.01 kg to 13 kg
From 13.01 kg to 14 kg
From 14.01 kg to 15 kg
From 15.01 kg to 16 kg
From 16.01 kg to 17 kg
From 17.01 g
Up to 110 cm
Travel date
0 chosen hunting day(s)
0 additional travel day(s)
Sum: 0 days with 0 overnights
Your selected travel date
(Arrival day)21.06.2025
(Departure day)Daily rate and accommodation
Facilities: Private bathroom, Full board
More information:
€ 150,-
Facilities: Full board
More information:
€ 1,-
Daily rates total for HUNTING DAY(S): € ,-
Other costs:
Formalitäten (Waffendeklaration,...)
Trophy treatment:
Shooting distances:
Caliber recommendation:
Missed shot:
0 % of the estimated trophy price
Deposit: 100 % of the total price
Final payment: On site
100 % of the estimated trophy price
Deposits are non-refundable
Included in the offer:
- Accommodation
- Full board
- Guidance
- Trophy treatment
- Transportation in territory
- Transportation from/to airport/railway station
- Interpreter service
NOT included in the offer:
- Alcoholic drinks
- Gun rental
- Ammunition
- Taxidermist
- Trophy export
- Activities, other than hunting