Organizing individually
This offer is not active at the moment.
Wild Boar
Organizing individually
This offer is not active at the moment.
Location: Bihor-Gebirge, Romania
From: Who is offering this hunt
Hunting time: 22. June - 22. June
Description:SC "Wild Hunting Romania" is a company that organizes hunting trips of high quality with hunting professionals. Our goal is to maintain high standards and professionalism among the members with whom we are hunting in Romania. The training, education and safety of the stalkers is our responsibility. We keep ..more offer details
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Offer description
Organisierung individuell
SC „Wild Hunting Romania“ ist eine Gesellschaft, die Jagdreisen von hoher Qualität mit Fachpersonal im Bereich der Jagd veranstaltet. Unser Ziel ist, hohe Standards und Professionalismus unter den Mitgliedern, mit denen wir in Rumänien jagen, aufrechtzuerhalten.
Die Weiterbildung, Erziehung und Sicherheit der Pirschführer ist unsere Verantwortung, vor jeder Teilnahme an den Jagdveranstaltungen halten wir berufliche Sicherheitsinstruktionen (SSM), es wird jedem Jäger bekanntgegeben, was für Risiken und Vorschriften eingehalten werden müssen, um Jagd sicher auszuüben.
Das Wildschwein ist ein alleefressender wilder Säuger, im allgemeinen ein Nachttier. Sein Verbreitungsgebiet umfasst ganz Europa, Nordafrika einschließlich den Atlas, einen großen Teil von Asien bis zum Süden bis Indonesien. In Rumänien besiedelt er die Wälder, vom Delta bis zur Au der Donau, bis zum Dickicht der Karaten.
SC "Wild Hunting Romania" is a company that organizes hunting trips of high quality with hunting professionals. Our goal is to maintain high standards and professionalism among the members with whom we are hunting in Romania.
The training, education and safety of the stalkers is our responsibility. We keep professional safety guards (SSMs) before every participation in the hunting events, it is announced to every hunter what risks and regulations must be observed in order to safely pursue hunting.
The wild boar is an all-eating wild mammal, generally an animal. Its distribution area covers all of Europe, North Africa including the Atlas, a large part of Asia to the south to Indonesia. In Romania, he settles the forests, from the delta to the Danube, to the thickets of the carats.
Territory information
Languages: English
Trophy fee
Up to 12 cm
Up to 14 cm
Up to 16 cm
Up to 18 cm
Up to 20 cm
From 20 cm
Travel date
0 chosen hunting day(s)
0 additional travel day(s)
Sum: 0 days with 0 overnights
Your selected travel date
(Arrival day)22.06.2025
(Departure day)Daily rate and accommodation
More information:
€ 250,-
Daily rates total for HUNTING DAY(S): € ,-
Other costs:
Trophy treatment:
Shooting distances:
Caliber recommendation:
Missed shot:
0 % of the estimated trophy price
Deposit: 100 % of the total price
Final payment: On site
Deposits are non-refundable
Included in the offer:
- Accommodation
- Breakfast
- Lunch
- Dinner
- Beverages
- Guidance
- Trophy treatment
- Transportation in territory