Red deer and wild boar in southern Spain/Malaga

Red deer and wild boar in southern Spain/Malaga

Location: Málaga, Spain

From: Dratar79

Exchange for: Roe Deer, Duck, Mouflon, I am open for proposals

My preferred countries: Ungarn

Hunting season: 10. September - 11. February

Ending: 11. February 2026

I offer hunting of red deer in season and wild boar all year round in a private ranch of my property with accommodation in it. 30 minutes from Malaga international airport. Ideal for families and visitors to the tourist areas of the beach and mountains. From owner to owner. ..more offer details

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Offer description

Rotwild und Schwarzwild in Südspanien/Malaga

Ich biete die Jagd auf Rotwild in der Saison und Wildschweine das ganze Jahr über in einer privaten Ranch von meinem Eigentum mit Unterkunft in ihm. 30 Minuten vom internationalen Flughafen Malaga entfernt. Ideal für Familien und Besucher der touristischen Gebieten des Strandes und der Berge. Von Besitzer zu Besitzer. Ich bin offen für jedes Angebot der Jagd und Arten zu anderen Orten und Jägern zu treffen.

I offer hunting of red deer in season and wild boar all year round in a private ranch of my property with accommodation in it. 30 minutes from Malaga international airport. Ideal for families and visitors to the tourist areas of the beach and mountains. From owner to owner. I am open to any offer of hunting and species to meet other places and hunters.

Additional information

Lodging: At my place
Meals: Coordination required
If first try is not successful: Repetition until hunt is successful
Missed shot: Coordination required
Wounding: Coordination required
Trophies: Cleaning is part of the deal
Gun rental: Yes
Territory size: 500 Hektar / 1235.525 Acres
Type of territory: Open (not fenced)
Documents needed:
License fee: € 0,-
Hunting methods: High seat, Driven hunt (slow), Stalking, Bow hunt, Battue
Vension: -
Yearly bag of the offered game: -
Estimated probability of success: -
Shooting distances: -
Recommended caliber: -

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