Search for Steppen groundhog in the Urals - Exchange for hunting chamois
This offer is not active at the moment.
Search for Steppen groundhog in the Urals - Exchange for hunting chamois
This offer is not active at the moment.
Location: Waidhofen an der Ybbs, Austria
From: Michael
Exchange for: Groundhog
My preferred countries: Russland, Kasachstan
Hunting season: 01. June - 31. December
Ending: 31. December 2020
Description:I'm looking for a way to hunt in the Urals for steppe marmots. In exchange, I offer a hunt for chamois in my beautiful mountain territory in Austria. If you have more interest in red deer or roe deer, we can also agree on it. You can stay in ..more offer details
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Offer description
Suche Steppenmurmeltier im Ural - Tausche gegen Gamsjagd
Ich suche eine Möglichkeit im Ural auf Steppenmurmeltiere zu jagen. Im Gegenzug dazu, biete ich eine Jagd auf Gams in meinem schönen Bergrevier in Österreich. Wenn Sie mehr Interesse an Rotwild oder Rehböcken haben, können wir uns auch drauf einigen.
Sie können auf meiner Jagdhütte wohnen welche mitten im Revier liegt. Gejagt wird hauptsächlich vom Hochstand aus, je nach Situation muss/kann aber auch gepirscht werden.
I'm looking for a way to hunt in the Urals for steppe marmots. In exchange, I offer a hunt for chamois in my beautiful mountain territory in Austria. If you have more interest in red deer or roe deer, we can also agree on it. You can stay in my hunting hut, which is in the middle of the area. Chasing is mainly from the high stand, depending on the situation we must / it can be also stalked.
Additional information
Lodging: | Hunting cabin |
Meals: | At my place |
If first try is not successful: | Coordination required |
Missed shot: | Can happen, doesn't count |
Wounding: | Count as a kill |
Trophies: | Cleaning is part of the deal |
Gun rental: | Yes |
Territory size: | 900 Hektar / 2223.945 Acres |
Type of territory: | Fenced |
Documents needed: | Hunting permission, Hunting license |
License fee: | € 20,- |
Hunting methods: | High seat, Stalking, Bring your own dog |
Vension: | Can be purchased |
Yearly bag of the offered game: | - |
Estimated probability of success: | 90 % |
Shooting distances: | 50 - 200 meters |
Recommended caliber: | 7mm |