Waschbär und Dachs Abschuss

Waschbär und Dachs Abschuss

Location: Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany

Exchange for: I am open for proposals

My preferred countries: Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz

Hunting season: 01. September - 28. February

Ending: 01. November 2025

Hunt opportunity 1 raccoon and 1 badger If you are interested, please contact me. ..more offer details

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Offer description

Waschbär und Dachs Abschuss

Ich biete eine Ansitzjagd auf 1 Waschbär und 1 Dachs in einem Mittelgebirgsrevier an.
Bei Interesse schreibt mich gerne an.

Hunt opportunity 1 raccoon and 1 badger If you are interested, please contact me.

Additional information

Lodging: Guesthouse
Meals: Coordination required
If first try is not successful: Coordination required
Missed shot: Can happen, doesn't count
Wounding: Decision depends on situation
Trophies: Take immediately and clean yourself
Gun rental: Yes
Territory size: 700 Hektar / 1729.735 Acres
Type of territory: Open (not fenced)
Documents needed: Hunting permission
License fee: 0,-
Hunting methods: High seat
Vension: Can be taken for free
Yearly bag of the offered game: -
Estimated probability of success: 90 %
Shooting distances: - 50 meters
Recommended caliber: -

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