Wings shoot - Ruffed Grouse & Woodcock
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Waldschnepfen, Moorhuhn
Wings shoot - Ruffed Grouse & Woodcock
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Ort: Québec, Kanada
Von: Wer bietet diese Jagd an
Jagdzeit: 17. September - 22. Oktober
Angebotsbeschreibung:Bird Hunting with Dogs in Canada for Woodcock Success on your Quebec woodcock hunt: Our Canadian woodcock hunts offer a very high success rate as our guides and staff know how to hunt and where to look when seeking the quarry for the next bird dog point. Woodcock hunters ..weitere Angebots-Infos
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Wings shoot - Ruffed Grouse & Woodcock
Bird Hunting with Dogs in Canada for Woodcock
Success on your Quebec woodcock hunt:
Our Canadian woodcock hunts offer a very high success rate as our guides and staff know how to hunt and where to look when seeking the quarry for the next bird dog point.
Woodcock hunters typically have multiple bird rises a day as our talented dogs can often point as many as 30 birds in a day. The bird hunts are always walking each day at the hunter's desired pace. We have 6 awesome pointing Britanny dogs and we rotate these to keep them fresh and hunters will walk as far as desired over the course of a day bird hunting. The woodcock migrate unlike the Ruffed Grouse but they return to nest on our hunting grounds. As the season progresses we have more and more birds arrive. Day by day the migration back towards our hunt area provides a large number of birds and offers a lot of hard to hit action-packed bird shooting excitement.
Hunting Canadian Ruffed Grouse is an exciting bonus on your woodcock hunt:
Our bird hunting trips often are filled with the additional excitement of Ruffed Grouse. The Ruffed Grouse of Quebec is a local bird that does not migrate they are in our area all year. These birds offer an exciting rise as they take flight exciting both the hunter and the hard-working dogs.
Woodcock hunting season in Quebec, Canada:
Woodcock and Ruffed Grouse hunts are conducted in 2020 from the start of season September 19th to October 30th.
Woodcock hunting guides Canada:
Woodcock hunters are always accompanied by their guides to and from the field/hunting area and are available to ensure their trophies are safely transported out of the woods and back to camp. The top-notch guides at La Griffe d'ours are always available throughout the hunting trip and have great control over the well trained French Brittany pointing dogs. Our kennels are also well staffed with 6 fine Brittanies. The pointers are eager to work and hunting with the dogs is often as enjoyable as the taking of a bird.
A typical day on your bird hunt:
The weather is usually not very cold, but hunters should bring rain gear as we do sometimes have showers in the fall.
Woodcock hunting is a very fun sport filled with moments of extreme excitement and lots of relaxing in the serenity of our hunting woods. A normal day we will have breakfast around 7:30 then head to the field to watch the dogs work and practice our shooting skills. Lunch is typically served around 12:30 where Ginette has lunch prepared. Returning soon to the field we normally chase birds until 5:30 then back to the comfort of the lodge for a whiskey, beer, soft drink, and a super good dinner which is also prepared by my wife Ginette.
Lodging while on your Quebec, Canada woodcock hunting trip:
Woodcock hunting in Canada is done in comfort and style as quest accommodations are provided in our beautiful Canadian-style home where hunters find a comfortable place to relax, dine freshly prepared meals, or sit and enjoy the tranquility of Quebec's outdoors. During dinner hunters typically relive the great shots and laugh at each other over all the ones that "got away". Woodcock is a tough quarry to take and this challenge is exactly what makes for a great conversation while sharing a meal with old and newfound friends. After dinner, the bird hunters can watch some TV or challenge each other for a game of pool to determine if their billard skills are more accurate than those of their shotgunning abilities. When our woodcock and Ruffed Grouse hunters are ready for bed our bedrooms offer a nice quiet place to dream of the next day and obtain a good night's sleep.
Our guide and cook staff is here to make your bird hunting trip a memory of a lifetime and ensure your desire to return to hunt our woods at La Griffe d'ours. A Canada woodcock outfitter at their best.
This bird hunting trip is yours so bring your own dog:
Often upland game bird hunters desire to see their own dogs in the field working. The thrill of having the dog you trained point then retrieve a downed bird is hard to beat. Hunters wishing to have their best friend along on the trip are more than welcome. Your dog or mine it's a fine time either way.
Canada woodcock trip, what's included:
5 days of hunting
6 nights of lodging
3 meals a day
Guide service
Trophy preparation of your trophy woodcock
Canada woodcock trip, what's NOT included:
Hunting permit not included
Tips for staff and guides not included in price
Contact us to book your next awesome adventure!
Bird Hunting with Dogs in Canada for Woodcock
Success on your Quebec woodcock hunt:
Our Canadian woodcock hunts offer a very high success rate as our guides and staff know how to hunt and where to look when seeking the quarry for the next bird dog point.
Woodcock hunters typically have multiple bird rises a day as our talented dogs can often point as many as 30 birds in a day. The bird hunts are always walking each day at the hunter's desired pace. We have 6 awesome pointing Britanny dogs and we rotate these to keep them fresh and hunters will walk as far as desired over the course of a day bird hunting. The woodcock migrate unlike the Ruffed Grouse but they return to nest on our hunting grounds. As the season progresses we have more and more birds arrive. Day by day the migration back towards our hunt area provides a large number of birds and offers a lot of hard to hit action-packed bird shooting excitement.
Hunting Canadian Ruffed Grouse is an exciting bonus on your woodcock hunt:
Our bird hunting trips often are filled with the additional excitement of Ruffed Grouse. The Ruffed Grouse of Quebec is a local bird that does not migrate they are in our area all year. These birds offer an exciting rise as they take flight exciting both the hunter and the hard-working dogs.
Woodcock hunting season in Quebec, Canada:
Woodcock and Ruffed Grouse hunts are conducted in 2020 from the start of season September 19th to October 30th.
Woodcock hunting guides Canada:
Woodcock hunters are always accompanied by their guides to and from the field/hunting area and are available to ensure their trophies are safely transported out of the woods and back to camp. The top-notch guides at La Griffe d'ours are always available throughout the hunting trip and have great control over the well trained French Brittany pointing dogs. Our kennels are also well staffed with 6 fine Brittanies. The pointers are eager to work and hunting with the dogs is often as enjoyable as the taking of a bird.
A typical day on your bird hunt:
The weather is usually not very cold, but hunters should bring rain gear as we do sometimes have showers in the fall.
Woodcock hunting is a very fun sport filled with moments of extreme excitement and lots of relaxing in the serenity of our hunting woods. A normal day we will have breakfast around 7:30 then head to the field to watch the dogs work and practice our shooting skills. Lunch is typically served around 12:30 where Ginette has lunch prepared. Returning soon to the field we normally chase birds until 5:30 then back to the comfort of the lodge for a whiskey, beer, soft drink, and a super good dinner which is also prepared by my wife Ginette.
Lodging while on your Quebec, Canada woodcock hunting trip:
Woodcock hunting in Canada is done in comfort and style as quest accommodations are provided in our beautiful Canadian-style home where hunters find a comfortable place to relax, dine freshly prepared meals, or sit and enjoy the tranquility of Quebec's outdoors. During dinner hunters typically relive the great shots and laugh at each other over all the ones that "got away". Woodcock is a tough quarry to take and this challenge is exactly what makes for a great conversation while sharing a meal with old and newfound friends. After dinner, the bird hunters can watch some TV or challenge each other for a game of pool to determine if their billard skills are more accurate than those of their shotgunning abilities. When our woodcock and Ruffed Grouse hunters are ready for bed our bedrooms offer a nice quiet place to dream of the next day and obtain a good night's sleep.
Our guide and cook staff is here to make your bird hunting trip a memory of a lifetime and ensure your desire to return to hunt our woods at La Griffe d'ours. A Canada woodcock outfitter at their best.
This bird hunting trip is yours so bring your own dog:
Often upland game bird hunters desire to see their own dogs in the field working. The thrill of having the dog you trained point then retrieve a downed bird is hard to beat. Hunters wishing to have their best friend along on the trip are more than welcome. Your dog or mine it's a fine time either way.
Canada woodcock trip, what's included:
5 days of hunting
6 nights of lodging
3 meals a day
Guide service
Trophy preparation of your trophy woodcock
Canada woodcock trip, what's NOT included:
Hunting permit not included
Tips for staff and guides not included in price
Contact us to book your next awesome adventure!
Reviergröße: 25.000 Hektar
Revierart: Freie Wildbahn
Gelände: Flach, Wald
Sprachen: Englisch, Französisch
Jagdart: Buschieren, Eigener Jagdhund erwünscht
Keine Mengenbeschränkung
Keine Mengenbeschränkung
0 gewählte(r) Jagdtag(e)
0 zusätzliche(r) Reisetag(e)
Summe: 0 Tage mit 0 Übernachtungen
Ihr gewähltes Reisedatum
(Abreisetag)Tagespauschale mit Unterkunft
Ausstattung: Internet, TV, Gemeinschaftliches Badezimmer, Wäscheservice, Vollpension
Weitere Infos:
€ 400,-
€ 200,-
Summe Tagessätze für JAGDTAG(E): € ,-
Sonstige Kosten:
freeze the birds for transportation
5 bis 60 Meter
0 % des geschätzten Trophäenpreises
Anzahlung: 550.00 €
Restzahlung: 30 Tage vor Reiseantritt
1 % des geschätzten Trophäenpreises
Die Anzahlung wird nicht rückerstattet
Im Angebot enthalten:
- Unterkunft
- Mahlzeiten
- Vollpension
- Frühstück
- Mittagessen
- Abendessen
- Transport im Revier
NICHT im Angebot enthalten:
- Jagdlizenz/Jagdkarte
- Leihwaffe
- Munition
- Präparator