Individual Red Deer Hunt in Northeast Bulgaria - Karakuz
Dieses Angebot ist zur Zeit nicht aktiv.
Individual Red Deer Hunt in Northeast Bulgaria - Karakuz
Dieses Angebot ist zur Zeit nicht aktiv.
Ort: Tutrakan, Bulgarien
Von: Wer bietet diese Jagd an
Jagdzeit: 01. November - 31. Dezember
Angebotsbeschreibung:Individual Red Deer Hunt in Northeast Bulgaria - Karakuz The package includes 5 or 6 nights, 4 or 5 hunting days For this hunt: All our hunting deer are pure free range and wild. This region boasts one of the largest red deer populations in Europe. Bulgaria holds the ..weitere Angebots-Infos
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Red Deer Stalking in Bulgaria
Individual Red Deer Hunt in Northeast Bulgaria - Karakuz
The package includes 5 or 6 nights, 4 or 5 hunting days
For this hunt: All our hunting deer are pure free range and wild. This region boasts one of the largest red deer populations in Europe. Bulgaria holds the last 4 world records for red deer and this makes it a top destination for this type of hunting. So far, Bulgarian trophies have won 2860 gold medals, 1705 silver medals and 1110 bronze medals. In 2022, trophy red deer were shot in our hunting area - 2 gold, 3 silver and 1 bronze medals by hunting tourists from France and Germany. The hunting area is 75,000 ha with the Danube River as its northern border. The deer rut starts from 15 September to 15 October & from 15 November to 15 January, which is traditionally considered the best time for hunting. All our team members are experienced hunters who know what a satisfying hunt should look like. Each client from abroad has their own experienced hunting guide with a 4x4 vehicle. Every detail of your stay is organized to make hunting the adventure of a lifetime.
Price Includes:
Transport on territory
Guiding by PH - 1:1
Field trophy preparation
Hunting license
Beverages/soft drinks
Price DOES NOT include:
Rifle rent including ammunition
Transport from/to the nearest airport (price on request)
Alcoholic drinks
International flights
Deposit is non-refundable.
Deposit: €500
Deposit deadline: 10 days after booking
Final payment: Paid Onsite
Individual Red Deer Hunt in Northeast Bulgaria - Karakuz
The package includes 5 or 6 nights, 4 or 5 hunting days
For this hunt: All our hunting deer are pure free range and wild. This region boasts one of the largest red deer populations in Europe. Bulgaria holds the last 4 world records for red deer and this makes it a top destination for this type of hunting. So far, Bulgarian trophies have won 2860 gold medals, 1705 silver medals and 1110 bronze medals. In 2022, trophy red deer were shot in our hunting area - 2 gold, 3 silver and 1 bronze medals by hunting tourists from France and Germany. The hunting area is 75,000 ha with the Danube River as its northern border. The deer rut starts from 15 September to 15 October & from 15 November to 15 January, which is traditionally considered the best time for hunting. All our team members are experienced hunters who know what a satisfying hunt should look like. Each client from abroad has their own experienced hunting guide with a 4x4 vehicle. Every detail of your stay is organized to make hunting the adventure of a lifetime.
Price Includes:
Transport on territory
Guiding by PH - 1:1
Field trophy preparation
Hunting license
Beverages/soft drinks
Price DOES NOT include:
Rifle rent including ammunition
Transport from/to the nearest airport (price on request)
Alcoholic drinks
International flights
Deposit is non-refundable.
Deposit: €500
Deposit deadline: 10 days after booking
Final payment: Paid Onsite
Reviergröße: 75.000 Hektar
Revierart: Freie Wildbahn
Gelände: Flach, Wiesen, Buschlandschaft, Au / Moor, Wald, Wasser
Sprachen: Englisch, Bulgarisch
Jagdart: Ansitzjagd, Drückjagd, Pirschjagd, Lockjagd, Reduktionsjagd
Zusätzliche Information: Hunting ground is situated at the eastern part of Danube river plain. The terrain is hilly-plain and the altitude varies from 344 m to 15 m above sea level. The hunting ground is located at 371 km from Sofia Airport, 200 km from Varna Airport and 130 km from Bucharest Henri Coandă International Airport. The main game species that inhabit the area are: red deer, roe deer, wild boar, hare, pheasant, partridge, wood pigeon, wolf, jackal and fox. The favorable climate and the rich nutritional base contribute to the formation of high quality trophies and stable big game populations. Some of the best trophies harvested here are those of red deer (13.5 kg and 250 CIC pts), roe deer (505 gr) and a wild boar (220 CIC pts).
Von 9.01 kg bis 10 kg
Von 10.01 kg bis 11 kg
Von 11.01 kg bis 12 kg
0 gewählte(r) Jagdtag(e)
0 zusätzliche(r) Reisetag(e)
Summe: 0 Tage mit 0 Übernachtungen
Ihr gewähltes Reisedatum
(Abreisetag)Tagespauschale mit Unterkunft
Ausstattung: Internet, TV, Klimaanlage, Eigenes Badezimmer, Gemeinschaftliches Badezimmer, Wäscheservice, Vollpension, Frühstück
Weitere Infos: Where you will stay
Hunting Lodge: The lodge has include individual rooms, Facilities: In-suite shower Electricity / Local heating, The hunting ground is located only 1 km from the Doctor's hunting lodge, which can accommodate up to 2 hunters. They offer a perfect level of comfort and excellent service. The hunting lodge in the village of Nova Cherna is only 11 km from the town of Tutrakan, 40 km from the town of Ruse and 72 km from the town Silistra. In the hunting lodge, the lovers of culinary art can enjoy fish and game delicacies, and taste Bulgarian red and white wines.
€ 100,-
Summe Tagessätze für JAGDTAG(E): € ,-
Sonstige Kosten:
jeder weitere Tag
Trophy weight includes weight of antlers with skull, nasal and occipital bone and upper jaw.
For trophies over 230 CIC pts there is an additional 10% surcharge.
1. Red deer trophies are measured 24h after boiling and cleaning. The price of red deer trophy is calculated based on the weight of the antlers with skull, nasal and occipital bone and upper jaw. No deductions are applied.
2. In case the 24h period cannot be respected, 5% humidity is deducted from the weight of the trophy.
3. With a preliminary booked after October 30, it is possible to use a 10% off the shooting fee for trophy animals.
50 bis 300 Meter
0 % des geschätzten Trophäenpreises
Anzahlung: 500 €
Restzahlung: the last day on trip
Die Anzahlung wird nicht rückerstattet
Im Angebot enthalten:
- Unterkunft: Choose days
- Frühstück: For each selected day
- Mittagessen: For each selected day
- Abendessen: For each selected day
- Tee/Kaffee: For each selected day
- Getränke: For each selected day
- Jagdlizenz/Jagdkarte: For every hunting day
- Pirschführung: For every hunting day
- Büchsenspanner: For every hunting day
- Trophäen-Vermessung: For every trophy shot
- Trophäen-Behandlung: For every trophy shot
- Trophäenversand
- Alle lokalen Steuern und Abgaben
- Tourismussteuer
- Transport im Revier
- Dolmetscherservice
- Hilfe bei Verzollung
- Unterkunft vor und nach der Jagd
- TERMS Price Includes: Accommodation Transport on territory Guiding by PH - 1:1 Field trophy preparation Hunting license Breakfast Lunch Dinner Beverages/soft drinks Laundry Price DOES NOT include: Rifle rent including ammunition Transport from/to the nearest airport (price on request) Alcoholic drinks Tips Insurance International flights Cancellation Deposit is non-refundable. Wounding Wounded animal is considered as harvested. Payment Deposit: €500 Deposit deadline: 10 days after booking Final payment: Paid Onsite
NICHT im Angebot enthalten:
- Snacks
- Alkoholische Getränke
- Waffenlizenz
- Leihwaffe
- Munition
- Nachsuche mit einem Hund
- Präparator
- Trophäenversand
- Versicherung
- Transport von/zum Flughafen/Bahnhof
- Visadokumente
- Hilfe bei Verzollung
- Trinkgeld
- Weitere Aktivitaten
- Fischerei-Lizenz
- Bootsmiete
- Wildbret