Taubenjagd in Cordoba, Argentinien

Taubenjagd in Cordoba, Argentinien

Ort: Córdoba, Provincia de Córdoba, Argentinien

Von: Wer bietet diese Jagd an

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Jagdzeit: 01. September - 30. November

INKLUSIVE 4 volle Tage Taubenjagd in großem Umfang. Waffenverleih Jagdschein. Alle Unterkünfte, Mahlzeiten, Wein und verschiedene Getränke. Alle Bodentransporte. Englisch sprechender Gastgeber. Reiseleiter, Fahrer, komplettes Personal und Bird Boys. Offene Bar mit lokalen Weinen und Spirituosen. NICHT INBEGRIFFEN Flüge von und nach Argentinien. Muscheln 23,00 $ pro Schachtel. ..weitere Angebots-Infos


€ 1.367

€ 1.367

1 Jäger

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Dove shooting in Cordoba Argentina

4 Full days of High-Volume Dove Shooting. Gun rental
Hunting license.
All accommodations, meals, wine and assorted beverages.
All ground transportation.
English speaking host.
Guides, drivers, full staff and bird boys. Open bar with local wines and liquor.

Flights to and from Argentina.
Shells $23.00 per box.
Field Fee $200.00 per hunter
Tips: Bird Boys, $50 per day per hunter. Lodge staff $50 per day, per hunter.

Other Prices:
Pigeon: $ 750.00 per/day
Fishing: $ 650.00 per/day

4 volle Tage Taubenjagd in großem Umfang. Waffenverleih
Alle Unterkünfte, Mahlzeiten, Wein und verschiedene Getränke.
Alle Bodentransporte.
Englisch sprechender Gastgeber.
Reiseleiter, Fahrer, komplettes Personal und Bird Boys. Offene Bar mit lokalen Weinen und Spirituosen.

Flüge von und nach Argentinien.
Muscheln 23,00 $ pro Schachtel.
Feldgebühr 200,00 $ pro Jäger
Trinkgelder: Bird Boys: 50 $ pro Tag und Jäger. Lodge-Personal: 50 $ pro Tag und Jäger.

Andere Preise:
Taube: 750,00 $ pro Tag
Angeln: 650,00 $ pro Tag


Reviergröße: 20 Hektar

Revierart: Freie Wildbahn

Gelände: Flach

Sprachen: Englisch, Spanisch

Jagdart: Andere

Zusätzliche Information: Dove hunting takes place out of the Peumayen Lodge. The hunts are conducted among three large roosting areas and feeding areas nearby approximately twenty to fifty minutes from the lodge. We are constantly scouting to ensure our clients have an excellent hunt. There are no limits on doves; therefore, it’s conceivable for a hunter to shoot a few thousand doves in a single day. Each hunter will be assigned a “bird boy” who will be attentive to the hunter while in the field. He will ensure that shell pouches are always full, that cold drinks are always available and any other need the hunter may have. The bird boy has a counter to keep track of the downed birds as well as a backpack with a basic first aid kit and a radio to contact the guide should there be a need. The guide will occasionally be visiting all the hunters in the field to ensure that everything is going as planned.

In Pauschale enthalten

Siehe Angebotsbeschreibung

Keine Mengenbeschränkung


0 gewählte(r) Jagdtag(e)

0 zusätzliche(r) Reisetag(e)

Summe: 0 Tage mit 0 Übernachtungen

Ihr gewähltes Reisedatum





Tagespauschale mit Unterkunft

Ausstattung: Internet, TV, Restaurant, Bar, Klimaanlage, Eigenes Badezimmer, Wäscheservice, Massage, Vollpension, Frühstück

Weitere Infos: Peumayen Lodge is located in the province of Cordoba, approximately one hour and fifteen minutes driving time from the airport. This estancia can accommodate up to eight hunters. It has Four air-conditioned rooms, three of which have private bathrooms.

Peumayen Lodge has a spacious living room with satellite television, a stocked complimentary bar and a beautiful dining room where you can enjoy authentic Argentine “asados” with our famous Argentine beef, fine Argentine wines and many delicious traditional delicacies.

It also includes free laundry services and free W-Fi. Gun rental, masseuse and a gift shop where you can purchase some souvenirs are

also available.

1 : 1
Dieses Angebot gilt für: 1 Jäger

Sonstige Kosten:


€ 67,2,-


€ 287,9,-

jeder weitere Tag

€ 479,8,-
Summe Sonstige Kosten: ,-
Gesamtpreis: €* ,-

* Dieser Preis wurde über einen online Umrechnungskurs ermittelt. Die Abrechnung erfolgt in $.


Nächster Flughafen: Cordoba Airport

Entfernung zum Flughafen: 100 km

Abholung: - Gebühr: -

Nächster Bahnhof: -

Entfernung zum Bahnhof: -

Abholung: - Gebühr: -


Dove hunting takes place out of the Peumayen Lodge.
The hunts are conducted among three large roosting areas and feeding areas nearby approximately twenty to fifty minutes from the lodge. We are constantly scouting to ensure our clients have an excellent hunt.
There are no limits on doves; therefore, it’s conceivable for a hunter to shoot a few thousand doves in a single day. Each hunter will be assigned a “bird boy” who will be attentive to the hunter while in the field. He will ensure that shell pouches are always full, that cold drinks are always available and any other need the hunter may have. The bird boy has a counter to keep track of the downed birds as well as a backpack with a basic first aid kit and a radio to contact the guide should there be a need. The guide will occasionally be visiting all the hunters in the field to ensure that everything is going as planned.
All Around Year
No Limit, You can shoot over a thousand in a day


1 bis 10 Meter




0 % des geschätzten Trophäenpreises


Anzahlung: 50 % vom Gesamtpreis

Restzahlung: 0 Tage vor Reiseantritt


100 % des geschätzten Trophäenpreises


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